Monday, August 4, 2014

This summer...

has turned out to be such a fun one!! I started it out thinking that it would be a slow, boring summer of working at a job I dreaded, just because I wasn't going to be at camp or with people I considered friends, or traveling. It turned out to be the complete opposite. I still got to travel. I went to Arizona for three weeks and got to go to camp for one. I went to a job I looked forward to everyday and learned a bunch of stuff I never thought I'd learn. I started out as a cashier and got offered a manager position within three weeks. I got to spend a bunch of time with my brother and dad because they work at the same place. I realized that I love the food and restaurant business and it just got me even more excited for school this semester. The experience I gained this summer is going to help me get a job anywhere! I know how to make and toss pizzas now, my cashier/cash handling/phone/people serving experience is super solidified, and I know that I have the ability to do ms.manager stuff if I choose to. I love all the people I work with and am going to be sad to leave. Everyone there has taught me something and I am going to miss them greatly. I never thought I'd say this, but if life brings me back to Florida in the future, I wouldn't mind working there again. It would be an honor.