Summer's done. Here I am, sitting at the airport, reflecting on everything that happened this summer.
This summer had its ups and downs, for sure. I had a blast for the most part. I met a bunch of new people and had the opportunity to get to know people better. I was able to learn a lot from a few people. One of the most important lessons I learned this summer is that you have to love yourself before you can love anyone else. I've been told that time and time again and I think, after hearing it from a friend this summer, it's finally beginning to stick. I've learned that friends have your back when stuff is rough and that life should be enjoyed, not endured. If you're not happy with something in your life you have the ability to change it or leave it behind and be happy. I also learned a lot about anger. I am not usually someone that gets easily offended or hurt because I am able to brush away most things, but this summer I spent a few days angry beyond belief for something that to that other person was most likely of no importance. The other person probably doesn't even realize how upset I was. At one point I took a step back, realized that I was letting my anger ruin what was supposed to be a good time at what I consider to be my favorite place, and decided to let it all go. Being angry doesn't do anyone any good. It just makes you feel sick and unhappy and turns you into a person that other people dont want to be around. I read a quote by Gordon B. Hinckley the other day that pretty much sums up what I learned about anger.
"So many of us make a great fuss of matters of small consequence. We are so easily offended. Happy is the man who can brush aside the offending remarks of another and go on his way.Grudges, if left to fester, can become serious maladies. Like a painful ailment they can absorb all of our time and attention."
Part of me is relieved to be going home. It's kind of like a fresh new start. I'll get to eat all the fruit I want to eat, get healthy, and exercise. I'll be going to school and hopefully getting all of that done this year. I'll be getting knee surgery and have time to recover. In the time that I'm a cripple I'll have time to learn something. I'm thinking I'll probably start playing the piano again. I'll be able to read a lot, especially my first semester. It sounds dumb, but I'll be able to figure out who I am and what I hope to get out of this life. I feel like I have a lot of soul searching to do this winter.
This might or might not be my last post for a while. Facebook is getting deleted here pretty soon. Pictures are the only thing I care about saving and as soon as those are backed up, I'm out of the social networking thing. Id rather hear someone's voice or read a letter they took the time out to write than spend countless hours on a computer indoors when the weather outside is magnificent. This summer was an awesome break from a computer and I felt a lot better and I'd like to keep feeling good.
Anyway, despite everything that happened, summer was good. Fun. Relaxing. A break from real life. I haven't left and I already can't wait to get back to Woodward next summer.