This summer I was able to spend a month in California with people that are more like family than friends. I was able to work at camp and skated as much as I wanted to. I slept in late and ate as much food as I wanted. I made new friends and spent money that I didn't have. Do I regret spending that money? Not at all. I had a blast.
Before heading to camp, we spent some time in southern California. We got to hang out with two buds, Ricky and Kilian, as they showed us around. We went to their local park and had pizza. Maybe it wasn't as good as Venezia's but it was still very delicious.
Angelo and Vinci's pizza!!
We hung out by the beach. This is the Wedge!
I didn't go in the water but it was awesome to be able to sit by the water and just listen to the waves crash on the shore.
Look how tall I look!
We got to hangout and riverside and be total tourists. We walked around a fancy hotel, perused a bookstore, got coffee and browsed thrift stores. It was hot out but not as hot as Arizona, so we were good!
Thanks to Lena for letting us crash on her couch for a night!
Lena took us to a cool school run farm where I got to pick a shirt-ful of strawberries!
On the drive up to Tehachapi, I got lost and it ended up taking me about two hours longer than it should've. I made it though and got to stay at Maggy's parents' house. It was awesome to stay with people that look after you and care about you like your own parents would.
Lisa makes delicious pancakes!
Tehachapi is beautiful!!
If you've ever been to Tehachapi and have never been to Taco Samich, you're missing out! They make the best burritos that I have ever had. I only ever get a bean and rice burrito with green salsa and every time I leave, I miss the burritos and look forward to the day I can eat another.
On the drive to California, I knew I had to replace my brakes. I received a quote from a car fixing place and they wanted to charge me $700! I said 'no way' and decided I would do it myself. When I got into town, I got the parts I needed and the next day I started to work on it. Little did I know, you need a certain amount of strength to get those nuts loose. I called up a friend who had the right tools and knew what he was doing and he was able to guide me through the process. I was so stoked on learning how to change the brakes and being able to save almost $600.
Deer! I see a deer! One of my favorite things about T-town is getting to see so many animals.
Chrissie made it! As soon as we got our room key we set up our bunks. Mexican blankets all around! And air fresheners. Because whoever slept in our room before we did smelled like a turd that'd been cooked in b.o. for five years straight.
Grilled cheese day
Aww the kisses!
Eww the kisses!
4th of July on the vert ramp! Firework projection, back to the future, marshmallows and hotdogs. It was a cool day for sure.
We all even got glow in the dark sticks!
View from the bench
Kris Sherry might just be the coolest guy I've ever met besides my dad. He's into a bunch of cool stuff like motorcycles, tattoos, good music. He likes to work with his hands and is really good at it. He's down to help you out and doesn't expect anything in return. Every time I think about the people that have been influential in my life, he pops into my head. I don't know if he knows it but he's one of the people I look up to the most.

While at camp I added a couple of tatties to my arm. Thanks Kris. Sorry mom.
This belongs to Kris. I love it. I can't wait for the day where I've saved up enough money to be able to get one of my own. I can't wait for the day when I can ride this on a long stretch of open road and just feel the wind in my hair.
While at camp, I got to see two great ladies that I am proud to call my friends! Linnea and Amanda!
Someone had a lot on their mind..
Nostalgia. My first year at summer camp I slept under a desk in the action sports office. Not slept slept. They were more like naps. I took it upon myself to decorate the underside so that when I looked up I had something cool to look at. Six summers later and the stickers and magazine cut-outs are still there.
Vert ramp knockout sessions are something to look forward to.
Chrissie and I were able to survive living in super close quarters for a month. I basically slept two feet away from her. We spent most of our waking time together. If we can survive this, I think we can survive anything.
Some days you just need to eat pizza and watch the history channel.
Is that sign meant for me? I used to make grilled cheese sandwiches in this toaster all the time. I did this year too, but made sure I was sneaky about it. Sometimes the kitchen doesn't have veg options and peanut butter just doesn't cut it.
When I think of Woodward, I think of a neverland for grown ups. I think of being able to get paid to have fun dressing up in little girl leotards. It's awesome. While being there I usually forget how awesome it is and then I come home to the real world and I miss it.
I think one of my favorite parts of being at camp this summer was getting to hang out with Chrissie. A few of the nights we would just hang out in the top bunk and shoot the shit, or work on our edits, or give each other massages while creeping out our roommates, or get into friendly fights, or goof off. Stoked to have you in my life, bud.
Camp food. Like I said, grateful to have had it. Grateful that there wasn't a limit to how much I could eat. Not grateful that I gained weight at camp. By the end of the month I was there, my pants were starting to feel significantly tighter.
Someday I'll find this block again.
Grilled cheese day was always good. Also, hummus was almost always available.
candid camera
For some reason, I got to catch 4:20 quite a few times this summer. Made me miss my concorda fam.
Naps at camp are a big deal. Before my first summer at camp, I never realized how tired you could get from pretty much doing nothing all day. Every summer I am reminded of the importance of naps.
I guess Jackson had an excuse. Hangar cleaning can be tough.
I don't know if I can say the same for Brittney...
Colin naps while Buzzy hugs.
Barrier sessions
Fashion at camp isn't the same as fashion everywhere else.
"All you got were eggs?!"
We only got to do a Denny's trip once this summer and that might have been more than enough. I'm not as young as I used to be and definitely can't do the stay up till 3 am thing much anymore (unless I get to sleep the whole next day). It was super fun though. Much different crowd than I'm used to and that's cool.
Chrissie's face upon realizing that Popeye wouldn't be at the house when we got back.
WW. CC ladies run Tempe. Poop. Tempe or bust.
On the way back home, Chrissie and I made the executive decision to stop in Oceanside and hang out on the beach for a bit. I'd say it was the best decision ever made.
Look at those marvelous shoe/sock tans!
We ended our trip a week later than planned and I'm glad that everything worked out. We made it back to Arizona alive and well. A month isn't a super long time to be away but I can speak for both Chrissie and I when I say that we were more than ready to go home. I missed my room and being at work, making money, eating normal portions of food whenever I wanted, my garden, grocery shopping.. I'm glad to be back.