Thursday, September 30, 2010

So many Denny's

Pizza by mail?!

YES!! You heard correctly! The Pie now delivers anywhere in the U.S.! I was just as stoked when I found out.

Florida Mall Trip

China Max!!

Duck Sauce!! I haven't seen this stuff in 4 years. 

Cute baby shirt.

Awesome soda macine.

Wild Orange Blossom tea sample. Teavana.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Burnt Popcorn

I watched I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry tonight. Super funny movie. I started making popcorn and forgot I put it in. More than half the bag got burnt. Sad day.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

"The brave do not live forever, but the cautious do not live at all."
- Timothy Luce

I will wake up dead

I think one of these days I'm going to wake up with my headphone cord wrapped really tight around my neck. I already wake up with it wrapped around me, some days tighter than others. Music is the only thing that helps me sleep these days, but I'm starting to think maybe sleep isn't THAT important. Just a thought...

Ben and Jerry's

Phish food and chocoalte chip cookie dough!!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Thermals - Returning to the Fold

Im starting a collection

All I drink when I go skate is this Sobe Life Water crap. I need to stop. Its so good though. 

Vans wristbands. I get two everytime I go skate.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Steel Train - I Feel Weird

Buy this for me?

Fabio J. Napoleoni

I went to Downtown Disney yesterday, just to walk around and window shop. In one store I found my new favorite artist. He has so many paintings and they're all so good, it's hard to choose a favorite. Here's a couple.
Fabio J. Napoleoni
"I miss you."

"Missing You."

"Her voice brings me joy."

"I'm always thinking of you."

"Tired of the same old crap."

"You I will never forget."

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Happy 20th to me.

It was my 20th birthday yesterday. Happy Birthday to me.

My friend Lindsay Holmes sent me this video.

Dear Tom Asta,

I love your hair and the fact that you dont wear girl pants. THE END.

ps - Your skating is sick.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Thank you random lady

"Hey! Hey chick! You were fuckin' ripping out there."

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Thao with the get down

Thao With the Get Down Stay Down - When We Swam

So good!

I've watched RyRey's part in this I'd say a good 20 times. I bet I could watch this a million more times and still not be sick of it. It's that good.

Blog-worthy beards

I don’t even know what to say… But these are some blog-worthy beards. -Jake Vlad

First time at Vans

Double Wristbands.

Luh dis song!!

Brett Dennen - Heaven.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Wrecked shoes

Its raining today. I wish it would rain during the day instead of at night. At night its actually cool enough to go out and skate without dying. Rain kinda kills it. On the bright side, I found out my shoes had a hole in them because of the rain.
I think its time for a new pair.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

My dad is a funny guy today.

(When we were walking those millions and millions of miles today we stopped by a gas station to get something to drink. I got water and my dad got sunkist.)
Dad-"I wish I could take a shower in this right now."

(I'm laying on my bed on my computer and my dad comes in. I have a whole bunch of coins, money and papers all in a pile.)
Dad- "Make sure you don't lose any of that stuff. Put it away before you go to bed."
Me- "I won't."
Dad- "Yes, you will. You sleep like a dog. You sleep all over the bed. You don't even change your clothes."
Me- "No I don't."
Dad- "Yeah right."

And we're walking

I walked like a million miles today because my car's registration is expired. Okay, maybe not a million. I'd say at least four, but still. In hot, humid Florida weather, just standing outside for two minutes makes you sweat like crazy. Anyway... I am pretty glad I walked. I got to see so much stuff I wouldn't have seen otherwise. I saw a couple pretty sick skate spots. I saw a perfect grass gap. A pole jam. Ledges. Rails. All this stuff was in one place!! It was insane. Sure I can't skate all this stuff but I can enjoy it's beauty right? I would've taken pictures but somewhere along the way I realized I left my camera in my room. Those pictures will come some other day. I also saw a mini ditch and took a picture with my phone. Its all wet, but with some work it could turn into a nice little spot.

Ted Schmitz : Roger of the Month

I met this guy at Woodward this summer. He's super funny and super good at skating.
Ted Schmitz - Roger of the Month - Sept 10 (New Edit) from Roger Skateboards on Vimeo.

Kissimmee, I Thought...

I thought we were friends. I've been living in Florida for about a week now and hadn't seen a "No Skateboarding" sign anywhere. Well today...technically yesterday, that all changed. I saw my first "No Skateboarding" sign in Kissimmee. 

This is what the sign next to. 

Florida Road Trip

I moved to Florida from Utah like a week ago. It was a VERY long drive. I was driving my car, so I couldn't take alot of pictures along the way, but I did take some. Here they are.

 Cool looking mountain in Green River, Wyoming.

Pamida store in Kimball, Nebraska
 Sinclair Dinosaur

 Krieger's in Mt. Vernon, Illinois reminded me of Michael Kryger.

Illinois sign seen from St. Louis.

The Arch. St. Louis Missouri. 

Cop Convention? Mt. Vernon, Illinois.

Red Bull!!

Florida sunrise.

Florida palm tree.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

I'm Hooked

I went to Woodward West for two months this summer. While I was there, my mom got an iTouch but didn't know how to use it. When I got back from camp I tried to teach her the basics but instead of trying to learn she just handed it over.  I started using it right away. I got the Trace app. and have been hooked ever since!!


I'm starting a blog after debating for a long time whether I should or not. As you can see I decided to start one. Not because I expect anyone to read it or anything, but just so I can say I have one. Who knows what I'm going to post?