Thursday, February 23, 2012

Last night...

I had the weirdest nightmare. I don't even really remember the whole nightmare, but in part of it there were two deer in my bed. They had apparently come in through my open window. We startled them out of my room and followed them through the house and they disappeared. In another part of the dream I was staring out of my window and saw a family at my neighbors house eating dinner. There was a lady with white hair staring occasionally at me when she ate, as if she knew I was there, in my dark room, watching.
I don't remember the rest of the dream, but it was weird. It wasn't even that scary, just weird and it made me feel watched. I woke up at like 4, grabbed my blanket, and ran to my parents room and asked them if I could sleep with them. They obviously said yeah and I slept dreamless for the rest of the night. I wonder how many other 21 year olds run to their parents' rooms when they have bad dreams.

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