Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Winter Plans

It may seem like planning for next winter when it's not even summer yet is totally insane, but trust me when I tell you it's not. Plans are never a sure thing. They can always change. I'm not a big planner though. I just plan where i want to go and figure out a way to get there. Where I'm staying and how I'll get around are things I couldn't care less about. You can worry about that when you get to wherever it is you're going! Just grab a map and get on a bus or walk.

So for next winter I have a couple things I want to do during the month I have off from school. Here they are:

1. Winter camp. I've been wanting to go out there for the last two winters and it just hasn't happened. This upcoming winter I really want to go. 9 months of not going to camp is way too long. I love it out there for sure!

2. Tuscon, Arizona. I really like Arizona. I've been twice and it's been super fun. I want to hang out in Tuscon for a couple weeks, be a tourist and work at a farm that produces organic produce. I think it'd be really cool to learn how the stuff I eat is grown. They have a work exchange program like at camp. I get to stay at the farm in exchange for a few hours of work a day. Instead of working with kids I'll be working with vegetables. It'd be a good opportunity to meet people. Kinda get me out of my comfort zone. I like going places where I don't know anyone and don't know where I am, where I'm going or what the hell I'm doing. And... Being in Arizona gives me a chance to get my Venezia's fix! Always a good thing!

3. Guatemala. I think if the two first options don't end up happening, this one will. I like Guatemala and would get to hang out with family that lives there. And it's during the holidays which means a lot of awesome food and parties.

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