Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Springy Breaker

Ya know how sometimes you just want to talk to an old friend? But you think, "they're probably busy" or "they won't have time." But you really want to call them up and say, "Hey, I kinda miss you. Just thought I'd let you know." That was pretty much my whole spring break. I had a blast, but as I was blasting all I really wanted to do was call up that old friend. Did I? Nope. Why? Cause I'm a wuss. Anyway… old friend, I miss ya!

Anyway, like I said spring break was lots of fun. I went to good ol' New Jersey! I think this was the first time I ever did a solo spring break trip. It was kinda weird going somewhere cold for spring break. It felt more like a christmas break trip. And to my surprise the week felt like two! It was rad. I did a bunch of stuff but mostly hung out with family I hadn't seen in a while. It was the first time in almost four years that I was in NJ.

On Wednesday, I took a trip down to Philly to visit Kaity Lang! Originally from Tehachapi, I met her at woodward a few years back. Now she's going to school on the east coast and I was super excited to be able to hang out with her somewhere not in California. I left home around five and took 3 trains before I got to Philly. It was a nice trip. First trip I've ever taken on a train alone. Somerville to Newark, Newark to Trenton, Trenton to Philly. Kaity met me at the 30th street station and our adventure commenced! from the station we walked a bunch until we got to the Rocky statue at the Museum, where a guy insisted on taking our picture but we said 'no thanks.' After photo-ing with Rocky, we went to Love Park, and the Reading Terminal Market. If you've never been to the market and you've been to Philly, you are, hands down, looney! I got to eat pretty much the best pretzels I've ever had! They were so soft and buttery, not that salty or expensive. They were phenomenal. So good. Bummed I didn't get more than one. After the market we headed to Kaity's house where we recharged both our batteries and our phone's batteries. Later, on our way to more sight seeing goodness, we got a Philly cheese steak to go from Jim's. Kaity let me pretend I was a local and taught me the right way to order. 'Provolone wit' I mentioned in a post a couple years ago that I wouldn't have meat unless it was in a philly cheese steak in Philly or a Chicago Dog in Chicago. It was great.(sorry anti-meat-eating-people) I felt sick a few hours afterwards, but I don't know if it was the meat or the four cups of coffee I had during the day or the train ride or what. It was awesome though. Later we went to the Eastern State Penitentiary, where we saw Al Capone's cell, a coffee shop and, and the Museum where we saw a bunch of artsy stuff. By the museum I was exhausted and over walking. By the time I got home I was completely dead.

On Friday I went to NYC and got to go to a bunch of places I either forgot I went to when I was younger or just never went to, namely, the library to meet Patience and Fortitude, the colombian consulate, Chinatown, Little Italy, Macy's, this really good cannoli place and the subway. I got nuts! I don't know why but NY nuts are so much better than any other nuts.

I got to go to New Hope and have some awesome chocolate. Went to Red Lobster for the first time in three years. Had Fro-yo in somerville. It's insane how much the places you frequented as a kid change as the years pass. Somerville is pretty much a new town. There are so many new buildings. I had a butt load of pizza on this trip. I think I had more pizza in this one week than I had in the last year!

Seriously an awesome trip. No matter how far or long I stay away New Jersey will always be home to me.
A whole row all to myself! I took a nice horizontal nap.

NJ from the plane

Last time I saw this kid he didn't speak. Now I can't get a word in.

There was snow. It was cold.

I knew it was time to get up when I saw this on my stomach.

A whole car to my self at 6 am to Philly.

I don't know why, but I really liked this lady. So I took a picture.

The museum! Recognize those steps?!

Kaity Lang in her natural habitat

Jim's to get a Philly. That might be Jim. 

Cool wall, bro

Even cooler wall. That guy is holding a pizza. I like pizza.

The goods.

Sharing a good meal with a good friend. Nothing better than that.

Eastern State Penitentiary

More of the creepy/cool jail

That's not a statue. It's a real lady.

Good ol' panorama

Al Capone's cell

Almost at the top of the museum stairs


There's an exhibit here called 'something something Korea'

Same view different place on the steps

Night view from the top of the stairs

Train homebound

NYC bound

Something I didn't really miss about NJ

Track in Seacaucus

Times Square

New York Public Library

Cool ceiling


Old wrecked book. I know someone who would probably cry if one of her books looked like this. 

This guy's name is Patience

NY Public Library from  the outside

Like I said, NY nuts are tasty.

Man, that lady in the middle is skinny! tee hee!

"Pretend to be asleep!"

Asian baby hulk

Little Italy

People crossing the street. Shortly after this I got durian! It was delicious!

Cool mural

Another cool mural. I think that's one of the things I like the most about cities. You get to see cool stuff. Like this.

Chinatown sign

Empire state from afar

Tiniest plane to Philly on the way back to FL.

Sometime on the Philly trip my phone died and I took pictures on Kaity's phone. Here they are for your eyeballs to gaze at.

 Classic Rocky pose

 Holding onto Love for dear life

 Amish cheese seller

 Amish hot dog ladies

 THIS!! The pretzels we got from this place were the best I've EVER had. They were just so warm and soft and buttery and salty and delicious. Bummed I didn't buy more than one. They were so good! 

 Delicious looking cookies. We didn't get any. But they looked great.

 So many people

 Black and white cookies. Need I say more?

 Some guy with a bird..

 Irish potato famine sculpty

Boats. Lotsa boats.

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