Tuesday, September 9, 2014

I've been skating for a while now. If you start from the very first day I went to a skatepark with a skateboard til now, it's been a little over seven years. If you don't count the past three years where I've been injured and haven't really been able to skate, it's more like five. Still a long time. Since the beginning, one of my favorite people to watch on a skateboard has been Ryan Reyes. For a long time all I watched skateboarding-wise was his skate movie part. Before skating, after skating, whenever I was bored...Maybe it was his unkempt hair or his perfectly sculpted glutes or the skating itself. I might have had a huge crush on the guy. There I said it! No shame. Anyway, his skating is super rad. I just watched this new-ish part and I am once again hooked.