Wednesday, March 2, 2011

even more.

The path in my grandpa and dad's woods.

Walking in the dry riverbed.

Moss covered tree.

My grandpa had a horse that died and was buried in his woods. We found his jaw in the dry riverbed. This skeleton looks amazing. I've never seen a real skeleton before.

 Speaking of horses...

While we were walking a storm broke out so we took refuge under a tree. These horses came to hide out with us and see if we had any food. It was so cool to just have a horse walk up to you and be able to pet it.

We went to a rodeo. My first and last one ever. I didn't like it at all. People were kicking the bulls in the neck and pulling their tail when they were in the pen. It was terrible. People that had guns were getting drunk. All I could imagine was a fight breaking out and someone getting shot.

How many cowboy hats do you see?

Maybe I shouldn't say it was all terrible. The singing was pretty good.

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