I decided I'm going to try to do this almost everyday as long as this thing is running. I bet no one reads it anyway, so it's kinda just a motivator kind of thing so I don't jut flOat around aimlessly all day. A planner of sorts I guess. Anyway...today I will:
Ok! Hold on! Maybe I should write about what I accomplished yesterday. Sounds good! Ok I was able to:
1. Wake up at noon and shower.
2. Figured out how to take the bus.
3. Bought a day pass and went to Barnes and Noble.
4. Bought and read Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom, a book that I've heard alot of good things about recently. It ended up being a great book with alot of good insight about life and stuff. Super good! Read it!
5. Took the bus to venezia's and learned alot more about the bus routes. (I ended up getting off at a couple wrong stops and had to walk a bit.)
6. Took the bus back home and read some more of my book.
7. Skated Tempe 3 with a whole bunch of awesome dudes. Uh-oh! Here we go with the name dropping: Roger, kryger, milic, jmod, Cody bear, and a whole bunch of other amazing skateboarders were there!!(I ended up watching more than skating.)It was super fun!
8. Went home and finished my book.
9. Accompanied a couple of over-age bmxers in the wee hours of the morning to get "juice boxes."
10.Stopped at Filiberto's for a very early breakfast.
11.Went home, raged/am raging, maybe I'll go to sleep soon. Maybe I won't. Who knows?!
12.iPod party is sure to happen!!
Back to today:
1. Wake up at 7 am-ish and shower and stuff.
2. Do laundry.
3. Pick up Sarah.
4. Venezia's for an early lunch?
5. Figure out what I'm going to do all day.
6. Skate somewhere.
7. Venezia's for dinner.
8. Go home and rage?
Today is really up in the air! Who knows what the day will bring?!
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