Monday, December 5, 2011


I woke at around 6:30 AM after about 2 hours of sleep and went to class thinking it would be an important class. The semester's almost over so I figured we'd be talking about the final and getting ready for it. Boy, was I wrong! We watched TV. Talk about missing out on a great sleeping opportunity.

Last meal before I start over-consuming fruit/veggies again. I was going to start today, but had a really bad craving for chinese. I got vegetable lo mein. I got it for lunch, had a couple bites, felt really full and nauseous, and ended up having the rest cold for dinner. It was delicious. Definetly alot better the second time around, after sitting in the fridge for a few hours.

Duck Sauce is the best!

 I went to go pay the utilities today and in front of the utility building there is a big lake with a fountain in the middle of it. There is this sign right in front of the lake. I thought it was funny. You would think people know the environment in which they live and would know to stay away from an alligator.

When I got home, I found chocolate sleeping on my bookbag. Zooo vewy kewt!

I also got a cool new lock screen for my iPod!

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