Sunday, January 26, 2014

Ocean withdrawals

Dear Florida, lately you've shown me a side of your weather that I am not too fond of. This whole 50-60-70 thing isn't working out for me. You see, I had the impression that you were warm year round. You've proven me wrong all winter. Can you go back up to 80s? You see, I'm having ocean withdrawals and I'd like to make it back out there before I shrivel up and die. I mean, I most likely won't die but it's best if we don't chance it. I guess I could go out there in this frigid weather, but then there's a chance I might get hypothermia and guess what could result from that. Yup, you got it, death. So, yeah. Just get warmer.

Never warm,

Ps. This is when you graced me with your cuddly warmness. 

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