Saturday, June 7, 2014

Snap Me Saturdays!


Sometimes I get funny snapchats (which I of course screenshot) or pictures from friends, ya know via text and what not. Saturdays, I'm dumping 'em here. So get ready and enjoy! AND send me stuff!!

 I'm sure you did, Pat. 

 Mexico swag? From Paula.

 Cassie/pizza selfie from a while back. 

 Laila sent this one. This log was seriously bug infested. Huge ant like bugs crawling all over the place! Such a fun time exploring though. 

 Cheetos anyone? from Paula. 

 Paula sent this. What a jerk. 

Sent to me by Chase. I met this really nice dude at Tempe park. 

Collin from Logan. I miss these dudes so much. I can't wait to see them. 

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