Wednesday, December 3, 2014

I found this on my phone recently. This day was so much fun. The kids are all super rad. We raced around a cone track and even though I lost (I think every time) it was a blast. I fully back what these guys are doing. Check them out, help them out and donate. 

 Linda loves old people

 Blizzard 2k14 ended up being Flurry 2k14. I wasn't hoping for snow but I at least wanted enough to make a snowball. 

 Well, this painting is new.. Bridgewater Mall. I grew up at this mall. It seems as if we went every weekend, especially during winter. We would even go trick or treating there. If there wasn't anything else to do,  we would just end up at the mall, walk around and eat chicken teriyaki. Cinnabon was also a favorite.  

 I want to see this movie so bad. The big marshmallow guy is so cute!

 Thanksgiving dinner!! So much food! We had food for a few days afterwards. I made four pies. Three pumpkin and one apple. Everything was delicious. I love food. Always and forever a food lover. They say that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. Well, that also applies to me. Want me to love you? Feed me. 

My dad sent me this from their Thanksgiving in Florida. That leg is bigger than his head! 

 I went on a bike ride the other day and although I had a great time, I also almost froze. My ears and hands were stiff and I felt like such a wuss. The cold and I don't get along. 
 Ready for the snow

 I'd play basketball but I'm afraid that if the ball hits my frozen fingers, they'll break. 

Chuck E. Cheese's. I love this place. It's where a kid can be a kid and where adults can take their kids in order to play skee-ball and eat pizza while their kids run around like wild animals. It's great. 
 I love pizza. They love pizza. This is how I know we are related. Niece and nephew.  

 Show her who's boss!! Proud aunt moment. 

 This boy eats mayonnaise packets, has a rad sense of humor, beats up kids three times his size, was born to be an actor and is only five. I love him to death and I barely know him. I'm hoping he stays this cool forever. 

 Her name is Linda. She does this pretty much all day. When she sees the mailman she goes insane. What is it with dogs and mailmen? Sworn enemies. 

 My aunt works at Wegmans, this fancy pants grocery store that has all sorts of delicious treats. She brought me this cookie. It was delicious. I ate most of it before I took a picture. As I finished, I could feel the diabetes setting in. 

While in NJ, I got to stop by the house that I grew up in. No one's lived there for years. After we moved to Utah in 05, someone bought it and remodeled the kitchen only to have it destroyed by a few  floods. We knew the house was in a flood zone, but never had an issue with flooding. I miss this house but only in the sense that I miss having the whole family together in one place and we had some pretty great memories there. it seems like whoever went to winterize the house didn't close the back door and I got to go inside. 
 This is the kitchen leading into the living room. This was as far as I could go because the floors felt as if they would cave in any minute. 

 Look at all the mold. It's such a shame. It's kinda sad to see something that was my home in this shape. Those are nice cabinets though. 

 We used to stand on those doors to sneak in through the bathroom window whenever we forgot our keys. We also used to put a santa on the roof, right on that chimney, whenever christmas rolled around. It was the talk of our block. 

 I like this house. 

 I thought this was funny. I want a cute smiley face scrubber! I would want to clean all the time!

 Anyone that knows me, knows that I love sushi. There's just something about that raw mushy fish that makes my mouth water. This dinner was definitely a treat. I was so stuffed afterwards!

 Manville Pizzeria. I don't think this was the first place I ever ate pizza or even the best, but it has the most memories. The pizzeria used to be in a strip mall right behind its current location.  After the strip mall got torn down due to asbestos in the ground, the pizzeria moved over to main street. It seems as if the dough recipe has changed in the last few years but it is still really good. Cheap, delicious slices. 

 The weather in NJ was cold. On the day that my flight was leaving, sleet was falling and there was a winter weather advisory in place. My flight and many others were delayed. I stepped outside for some air. 

 Yup, still waiting. I finished an assignment that I didn't realize was due that day while I waited. 


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