Monday, April 11, 2011

I was talking with a friend about phones today and I never really realized how much I hate phones. I can honestly say I hate talking on the phone. There's nothing more irritating than having a phone ring when I am eating or talking to someone or trying to get something done. It makes me so mad when people are looking at their phone every two seconds or constantly texting. I've had those phases where my phone is in my back pocket, I know where it is all day and I need to have it and stuff, but some people take it overboard. I've had a cell phone since I was in sixth grade and I can honestly say that most of the years I've had one, I haven't had one by choice. Usually it's been for emergencies or as a way to keep tabs on me. If it was up to me, I wouldn't have a phone. There is nothing more irritating than spending time with someone and having them be on their phone the whole time.

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