Sunday, October 5, 2014

Phone Dump

I kinda stink at updating my bloggy. And I know you probably check up on it everyday and get super bummed when I don't post. But I'm still alive. Just busy. So here's a phone dump of a bunch of cellie pics I've taken recently. 

A couple weeks ago we went up to Greer (I think) and visited Chase's grandparents. It was nice to be able to get away for the weekend and just hang out in a different environment. Even though I was a total baby about the weather the whole time. I'm a wimp. It was reeeeeally cold and rainy. 
Chase's grandparents were super cool and they fed us. That's a huge thing I'm a fan of. If you share your food with me, we are instantly friends. That's just the way it works. Not only did they share their food, they also took us hiking, antiquing and on walks around the neighborhood. On the day we hiked, they took us to a cute little cafe and I had the best (and only) shrimp po' boy I've ever had. 

 Wild flower fields. 

 Chrissie doesn't like getting her picture taken when she's trying to sleep.


 There was a fire up in these mountains a while ago and because of it, a lot of our trail was overgrown. At one point, we lost the trail and we had to take a break and have a snack. We had to climb a bunch of rocks and cross creeks and walk through mud. It took us longer than expected to hike but we made it. 

 Several times during this hike, we had to cross this creek. I'm pretty sure it was this time that I dropped my camera into the water. I'm super glad it wasn't my phone. I haven't tried to get the pictures developed but I'll let you know how they come out. 

 Fallen trees make good teepees

The infamous po' boy. So much shrimp! So good. I'm really hungry right now. 

 COW! On the last day of our trip we went exploring on the indian reservations. There were a bunch of areas that had a bunch of cows. They were adorable! I wanted to pet one but Chase and Chrissie wouldn't let me. 

 This is Chrissie. I can't express how much I love this lady. Not in a gay way. (Not that there's anything wrong with that.) But she's a pal and she's a genuine person and nice and friendly and funny and all that jazz. Funny how some people you meet are just super rad and you instantly become friends. 

They look so inviting. Every time I see an alley I want to walk down it. 

 Flooding happens in Arizona. I never knew this was a thing. 

 Sunsets in Arizona are always good even when they aren't. Every time I see an Arizona sunset I remember the time I first saw one. I was at the airport during a layover back to Utah from camp at the end of the 2010 summer. 

 So, bike rides. I like them. Around the maple ash neighborhood there are a bunch of these things and I have no clue what they are...

 There are also these cool sculpture things in the middle of the road. 

 Tuna sandwich from Paradise. It was delicious. By the way.

 Parking block anyone?

It was my birthday recently! I really had no plans for my birthday. It was my first one away from home and I figured I'd just do some school work in the morning and skate at night. I didn't. I went to Sedona with a few friends instead! While the girls hiked, the boys and I skated the park. It's a really cool park. Smaller than the pictures make it look but really fun nonetheless. I kinda wish we had more than just one afternoon.

 Did I mention that the backdrop is spectacular (and real)? Cause it is. 

 Sean hurt his groin/hip/knee rolling into the volcano thing. More is always better right?

 Tim helps Sean stretch. What a great friend!

 Inviting alleys

 Lucas sprained his finger so we took him to the ER. He's stoked.

 Night time bike rides are becoming a weekly thing. Its cool to just explore and notice things you maybe wouldn't notice during the day. 

 It rarely rains in Arizona but when it does, it rains hard. 

 Roof tans forever

 Popeye cuddles all the time

The other day I went to the junkyard to look for two bolts that my car needed for the airflow pipe. How did I know it needed them? Many, many hours of research online trying to figure out what the pipe was called and how many bolts it was supposed to have. 

 Candy store

Since the beginning of the semester, I've been trying to get ahead in all my classes so that I can have free time at the end of the semester. I've been pretty successful so far. I usually finish everything for the week by wednesday so I have a couple days when I can do whatever I want and don't ave to worry about school. This week I finished a day early and decided to hike South Mountain. 
I was kinda hesitant to go alone because I'd never done a solo hike before. Not only that but I was worried about my knee and possibly getting stranded at the top of some mountain. I sucked it up and went anyway. 
I got there around ten thirty in the morning and hiked Mormon Trail. It was an enjoyable hike and I managed to walk out with my knee in one piece. In my book that's a huge accomplishment. I didn't realize how tired I would be after the hike though. It was still fun. 

 Such a pretty cactus.


 Mormon Loop

 "Everything the light touches, is our kingdom." Views like this really make you feel tiny. 

 I had free time so I painted this the other day. Pizza is an important subject matter. 

 WAKBRDR. Nice. 

Chrissie has always been adorable. 

Next is everyone's favorite section!

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