I have so much stuff to do today. I know I'll be exhausted before my day is even half over. I'll be waking up at 8-ish, after most likely not that many hours of sleep becasue I'm a total insomniac. Not really. I just stay up really late...or really early. Whichever.
1. I'm finally getting insurance for my car!! Totally excited for that. Once I have insurance, I can get my car registered.
2. I'm getting my car registered. Long lines at the DMV, here I come. I'll be driving by the weekend. Finally have my own set of 4 wheels again. It's about time! I had two wheels for a while. Two wheels are awesome if you want to do exercise, but arent very functional when your job is about half an hour away.
3. Calling Utah State for my transcripts. I'm not really looking foward to starting school. Kinda dreading it actually. I dread the thought of having to go home after a day of work and school to sit at a desk and do homework. Skating is definetly going to suffer. I skate maybe twice a week (if I'm lucky) and all I do is work. Imagine adding school to that. Yeah...total bummer. Not really my idea of a great spring. It'll pay off someday. Hopefully at least.
4. Then I'm off to work for five hours. Joy. Serving ice cream and making smoothies. Its not a bad job, sometimes it just goes by a little slow. I get paid tomorrow though. Definetly something to look foward to.
5. I'm getting a haircut. Finally. Just a trim though. My hair's been kinda lame lately. Too many split ends.
Why? Stupid highlights, that's why. Everytime I decide to get highlights, I end up getting split ends. When will I learn?
6. Bank. Need to deposit that first paycheck so I don't spend it, even though technically it's already more than gone. I need to pay my car and get gas. I don't know how much I'll get paid, but I'm hoping it's alot. I need money. I have to pay my car, gas, skate sessions at Vans, cell phone payment, saving for my Arizona trip, saving for school, car insurance. So many responsibilities make me wish I was still a kid.
7. Bike ride. Maybe. Maybe not. I don't think I'll get home in time to go. I hope I do. I haven't been on a bike ride for almost a week. I miss it. I like just putting my headphones in my ears and just going. Wherever. No plans necessary.
8. Cooking dinner. I think I'm making sushi. I don't know yet. I'll figure that out tomorrow.
I have a day off Saturday. Thank goodness.
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