I skated Vans a couple days ago and was sitting outside on the sidewalk after they closed waiting for a ride. Some creeper pulls into the parking lot, gets out of his car and starts walking towards me. Two other kids that were waiting for a ride disappear when they see the guy coming and I'm left sitting there alone as this dude is walking up to me. The guy tells me he wants to give me a ride home. I tell him my dad is coming and he tells me to forget about my dad, that he'll give me a ride.
He keeps telling me to let him give me a ride home and I just sit there waiting for the dude to get tired and go away. He starts grabbing at my arm to get me up and I start gettin ready to run but know I probably wouldn't get far because my legs were completely dead. I start holding onto my board thinking if he tries to pull me I can buy some time by chucking my skateboard at him or hitting him with it. I don't even know.
He asks me what my name is and I tell him 'Lorena', and for some reason he knows that my last name is Rivera. At that point i'm thinking, "Crap, facebook did me in. Everything they said about it was true." He asks me if I wore contacts now, because I didn't have glasses on. I started getting scared at that point that he knew so much about me. At one point I just thought, "Guess I'm going to get kidnapped tonight."
He asks me if I remember him and I tell him that I don't, but start thinking that I probably should. I see my dad's car pull into the parking lot, but my dad just sits in the parking lot for awhile. He finally pulls up to where I was sitting and is laughing uncontrollably. Turns out the creepy dude was my cousin that I hadn't seen for more than five years. Obviously I didn't remember him. Assholes.
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