It's weird how it feels like winters are just there to kill time until camp starts back up. Any way herez da plan!
1. Get a job. I've applied at so many places. I have another interview tomorrow. If I end up getting this job I'll be so excited! I'll finally be able to start saving, which brings be to number 2 on the plan list.
2. Save up!! This is an easy one! As long as I'm living at home, I save a buttload of money, which is cool. I don't have to pay for my car this winter (cause I don't have one) which means I can save even more! All I'll be saving up for is insurance, registration, and school loans. And of course..a maybe trip to Arizona in the winter and camp in the summer.
3. AWIZONUHH trip. Still undecided, but for now we're keeping it as a number on this plan list. TThe plan is to drive out right after new years and get back in time for school to start spring semester. So pretty much stay out there for a quick week, skate, eat Venezia's and then book it back home. If not in January, then maybe for spring break.
4. Skate every Wednesday at Vans til they get shut down. They get shut down in January, which kinda sucks.
5. Make it out to Lakeside at least every other week.
As you can tell, skating isn't really on my list of priorities. I want to work as much as possible this winter so I have enough money to pay off my loan and get to camp next summer. The loan's like 6.500, which iz ALOT! I figure if I work at leat 25 hours a week for maybe 8 an hour I'll make about 200 a week (before taxes) and then have to work at least 33 weeks just to cover my loan. It's good thing I don't have to pay that crud back until after I graduate, cause if that was the case I wouldn't be going to camp next summer. I also figure that tuition for next semester will be less due to the fact that I'll have in-state tuition, so I can use some the money I get back to pay off the loan. So it won't really be 6,500, it'll actually be less, which means I can work less weeks to pay off the loan and I'll have more weeks where my paychecks are just going into savings.
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