I should probably learn how to do in this life time:
1. Say 'I love you'. For some reason this is something I find very difficult to say. I wouldn't say it if I didn't mean it, but even when I would mean it, I find it hard to say. It's kinda scary. Maybe because I kinda take it seriously. Maybe because I'd feel kinda dumb if I said it and the other person didn't say it back. Then again maybe I don't care and it's just scary to say. Who knows?! I can say it to my family, then again I've had 20 years of practice, which makes it alot easier to do. It's hard to say to people I haven't known for very long though. Alot of times I want to say it, am about to say it and then...end up chickening out. I'm getting better...or trying to get better.
2. Write with my left hand. What would happen if I broke my right hand and couldn't write with my left hand?! I wouldn't be able to write at all!
3. Change the oil in my car. My dad taught me how to do this when I was pretty young. I used to hang out with him while he fixed the car and he taught me how to do a whole bunch of stuff. I probably would still know how, I just don't remember how.
4. Communicate and show feelings. It's something I've heard alot for the last couple of years. When I was little, I was told to never cry in front of others. I was told that if you show other people your feelings, they can be used against you. I was told that people don't need to know what happens in your life, because they couldn't care less. Basically you have to take care of you because no one else gives a shit. I took that advice to heart when I was little and can say that content and happy are pretty much the only emotions people have ever seen. I can't say that that advice hasn't helped in my life. I've been able to be 'strong' for other people during rough times, to the point where it looks like I don't care. If I'm fine, maybe they'll be fine or at least they won't have to worry about me. Pretty much the whole 'if you're happy, I'm happy' scenario. But holding back feelings, thoughts, and experiences has definetly done more harm than good. Sometimes I feel like I'm going to explode and yet I can't do anything. I know there are people that give a shit and care, but I don't know how to talk about stuff. It's not something I'm used to. Something a friend told me this summer is making me realize maybe it's time to fix that. Maybe not tell my life story to everyone I meet on the street, but at least learn how to talk about stuff.
5. Speak another language fluently. I know spanish and english. I'm fluent in both. I took french in high school, but am definetly not fluent in it. I want to start relearning it again so I can speak it with other people. Or just enough so I can actually say that I know how to speak it.
6. Learn how to play the guitar. This is something I've been meaning to do for quite some time, but have just never gotten around to seriously pursuing it. I want to though. It's fun and you get a cool feeling when you learn a new song. I don't want to ever stop learning. With a guitar there are infinite possiblities. I could probably play for a hundred years and still not know everything.
That's the list for now! Maybe soon if I learn how to do this stuff, I'll come up with a new list. For now I have alot to work on.
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