Wednesday, May 7, 2014

My roommates are really rad. I feel like its pretty rare that you like all the people you live with, when you didn't pick them.. Does that make sense? A little over a week ago, I didn't know two of the girls, that I now feel like I've known forever. It's rad. We hang out pretty much all the time and there haven't been any fights or misunderstandings..nothing! 'The real world' lied to me..
The other night after our little cinco de Mayo party we headed to In n Out. Chrissie doesn't really have two heads..

Yesterday, after Laila and Mo got off work, we all packed into one car and headed to the wedge for a cool little skate/picnic/hanging out session.

Pizza picnic! 
Laila was laughing so hard she almost peed! What a great group of ladies!

Chrissie is pretty much a model. Ow ow!

Isn't she pretty?! The boys hollered at us when we left..

Roomie movie/'Friends' night.

Late last night we headed to the park to do some swinging.

I made Chase a pizza princess phone case. 

Laila is amazing at baking. These were waiting for us when we got home one night.

Arizona sunset. Pretty. 

Need I say more?!

In other news..Cassandra got stung by a hornet and now has a chubby finger! I'm glad we still keep in contact. We pretty much FaceTime everyday! I'm not usually very good at long distance communication. Getting better..
Chubby fingers..

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