Friday, May 9, 2014

Solo Night Adventures

I love hanging out with friends. One of the biggest reasons for me moving to Arizona, other than just loving it here, is to be with friends that I've grown to love and trust. But as much as I love company, I also really enjoy solo time. Sometimes you just need to be by yourself and be quiet and reflect on stuff. In Florida I don't get much solo time except for drives to and from school. Boy do I cherish those drives!!
So tonight I got some of that as some of my roomies went to mill, one went to bed and the other went on a non date. Guess what I did? I went grocery shopping!! I realized I'm sort of broke and I'll need to be thrifty for the next couple weeks.
So, half a mile down the road there's a Safeway. For my non-Arizona friends, that's a supermarket kinda like Publix or Smith's or Shoprite or Albertson's or Winn-dixie or...the list goes on. Imagine your favorite grocery store, and that's what it's like.
Anyway...I walked there, did groceries and walked back. Pretty uneventful but pretty cool to see how different things on the street look at night and how void of people every place of business is.

 Palm tree. Oooo. Ahhhh. 

 Shiny street signs when you use a flash...

 Big cacti you can barely see. They look kinda eerie huh?! 


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