This is a great song. I used to listen to Reel Big Fish all the time when I was younger. And by younger I mean like 16. I completely forgot about these guys until my last trip to Arizona. Chrissie played this song in the car and I was instantly hooked. It's good!
Monday, July 28, 2014
Monday, July 21, 2014
Musical Monday
All Kindsa Girls by The Real Kids. This song is really cool. It kinda reminds me of Girl Hunt by the Dead Milkmen. The lyrics do at least. I like it. "I need someone new, someone who's gonna make my heart jump the way she used to do."
Saturday, July 19, 2014
An apology to my skateboard..
I feel like a total scumbag for leaving my skateboard in AZ the way I did. I mean he was in the trunk all ready to come back to Florida with me and at the last minute i decided not to bring him along..I kid. But in all/only some seriousness, I miss having it around. Even though I wouldn't have time to ride it. Even though it would just sit there gathering dust. I just feel like part of me is missing. Is that weird? I ALMOST thought about going to get a new set of trucks. Almost. Anyway, as an apology I give you a cool coalatree video. I like coalatree. I like what they stand for and their clothes look pretty cool and all that jazz. 29 days or less until I get to see you Benny! (skateboard)
Coalatree Organics: Puerto Rico from Coalatree Organics on Vimeo.
Coalatree Organics: Puerto Rico from Coalatree Organics on Vimeo.
Thursday, July 17, 2014
Life Update/Snappy Saturdays on Thursday...
Nothing really happens everyday. It's weird. I wake up everyday with just enough time to get ready to go to work, go to work, come home and it's time to sleep. Reminds me of a song I've had on repeat lately. 'I feed myself when I have to..' tee-hee! But yeah, I get two days off a week and on those days I hang out with family or go clean this lady's house. By the end of the day I start going a little stir crazy and can't wait to be back at work. I've had breakfast at Denny's twice in the last couple of weeks. I think that might be the most exciting thing that's happened lately. Other than the whole getting accepted into ASU, picking my classes, figuring out my car and living situation and just waiting to go. I'm beyond excited. Totally ready to go. I just need to put my stuff in the car and get outta here.
Still haven't unpacked...
..But I did do laundry once.. Let me tell you why this is so significant. Okay, so I kinda feel like I've been back in Florida for ten years now, but it's only been like two weeks or so. I'm doing pretty good on the whole water conservation/laziness thing.
Highlight of every Thursday is getting talent show snaps. Sure most of them I just get to see on other people's stories but I still get to see them.
I want ice cream!! From Sarah.
Minty is a cool name. This place called Joe's, like two seconds from my house in Arizona, has this italian ice ice cream called Mint cookie. Soooo freaking good!! Think minty cookies and cream. Delicious! From Sarah. Duh! Can't you see it's a selfie?!
In our yard we have this plant called chipilin. Out of this plant you can make tamales. But first you have to remove all the little leaves from the stems because the stems give the leaves a bitter taste. Anyway, here we are at a family dinner, after having brought my aunt a giant bag of chipilin. We just did it for the tamales but got conned into helping! It was fun.
This is my view every morning. I like it. I update my AZ countdown, drink some water, make sure my cactus does too, read my scriptures, and do some yoga.
I like my parents most of the time these days. This pretty much sums up their relationship.
Monday, July 14, 2014
Musical Monday
So...this weeks selection is When Your Dad Left Your Mom by Paul Baribeau. I first heard about Paul Baribeau from a friend like five years ago. I loved all the songs I heard especially "Only Babies Cry," which my friend ended up putting on a mix tape for me. (CD? Mix CD? That sounds weird. I'm calling it a mix tape that was in CD form.) Anyway, I recently (like a month and a half ago) started to listening to my iPod again and then went to an AJJ show where this girl was wearing a Paul Baribeau t-shirt and I was like WOAH!! And I instantly felt butterflies in my stomach and although I was excited for the upcoming show, I also couldn't wait to go home and listen to Baribeau.
So yeah, I like this song. I think that my favorite thing about it is that it reminds me of when my parents split up for a bit. I guess when a lot of people think about divorce, it's seen as a bad thing. At the time I think I did too. I think every kid wants their parents to stay together. But for me, looking back now, it was a great thing. I still got to see both of my parents and while they weren't together they were much nicer to us and each other. They weren't stressed or fighting all the time. And the lines ,"It'd get so quiet sometimes. Tried to act like nothing was wrong...but every once in a while I could still get you to smile.." resonates so profoundly. Dude knows what's up. My parents are together but sometimes I still wonder how differently my life would've turned out if they did get a divorce. Better? Worse? We'll never know!!
So yeah, I like this song. I think that my favorite thing about it is that it reminds me of when my parents split up for a bit. I guess when a lot of people think about divorce, it's seen as a bad thing. At the time I think I did too. I think every kid wants their parents to stay together. But for me, looking back now, it was a great thing. I still got to see both of my parents and while they weren't together they were much nicer to us and each other. They weren't stressed or fighting all the time. And the lines ,"It'd get so quiet sometimes. Tried to act like nothing was wrong...but every once in a while I could still get you to smile.." resonates so profoundly. Dude knows what's up. My parents are together but sometimes I still wonder how differently my life would've turned out if they did get a divorce. Better? Worse? We'll never know!!
Monday, July 7, 2014
Musical Monday
Like I said for the last Musical Monday, a lot of Andrew Jackson Jihad has been heard lately. This week my musical selection is....drumroll please!!!! brrrrrrrr (That's a drumroll.) Heartilation by Andrew Jackson Jihad! Woohoo!! I'm pretty sure this song, in the last couple of days, has gotten the most plays on my iPod. It's just that good. I put it on repeat for hours and hours pretty much everyday. My favorite line in the song is "I want to tear out my heart and give it away to a person more deserving one day."
Now, I've heard a bunch of variations of this song. Some live, some not, and some covers. Variations. Duh. But my favorites are these. Go ahead and listen to all of them. Because they're all good. Go ahead. I'll wait. Oh and leave a comment. If you want to. I know you do..
Okay so first up, is the first version I ever heard. So freaking good. This is the one I have on my iPod. I've been listening to it everyday at least three times a day since the first time I heard it a couple weeks ago.
This is the next one. You might think it sounds the same, but it doesn't. Trust me. It's different. And you can see them playing.
And this is the next one. Woah not Andrew Jackson Jihad! "Who's Jo Pie Whyld," you may ask. Well I'll tell you: I don't know. BUT, she did this song justice! Best cover I listened to.
Now, I've heard a bunch of variations of this song. Some live, some not, and some covers. Variations. Duh. But my favorites are these. Go ahead and listen to all of them. Because they're all good. Go ahead. I'll wait. Oh and leave a comment. If you want to. I know you do..
Okay so first up, is the first version I ever heard. So freaking good. This is the one I have on my iPod. I've been listening to it everyday at least three times a day since the first time I heard it a couple weeks ago.
This is the next one. You might think it sounds the same, but it doesn't. Trust me. It's different. And you can see them playing.
And this is the next one. Woah not Andrew Jackson Jihad! "Who's Jo Pie Whyld," you may ask. Well I'll tell you: I don't know. BUT, she did this song justice! Best cover I listened to.
Thursday, July 3, 2014
Snappy Saturdays (On Thursday)
Not snappy as in fast...Snappy as in pictures that have been snapped. Duh!
This one is from head roomie Laila! She sent this one to me a few days before I took this last trip out to Arizona.
The next two were snapped to me after I snap chatted my taco sammich burrito.
From Patrick.
From Cass
Jake with the Brimley guys!!! I'm so bummed I missed week five this year. I think if I would've known ahead of time that these guys would be at camp I would've either stayed longer or gone week five instead. A cool team finally goes to camp the year I can't work!
From Chrissie. "Mom would be proud."-Mo
From Tim. This one gets an honorary repost just because it's that good. And because I got it at the suckiest part of my Woodward trip. The leaving and being stuck in LA at three in the morning part.. The kid in front (I think his name is Max...I ask him every year and every year I forget) has grown up a bunch!
From Chrissie. This was on our trip back to Phx. I think it was during our four hour delay in LA. I was exhausted. Can you tell?
From Laila. She knows us all too well.
From Chrissie. Mom/Laila/head roomie has a man friend that she's into and they always do a bunch of cool/cute stuff. Here they had a pizza date in a fort in the dining area of the Concorda Cottage. Too cute! I need a man friend that will build pizza forts with me.
From Chrissie. Popeye is a swag master.
And last but definitely not least..this one's from my big brother. Get it?! Sometimes they don't realize it..and he's eating a burger!
And now for pictures I need to get off my phone..
I still haven't unpacked. I kind of want to see how long I can go without doing it..

I just think this one is funny..I don't sleep completely naked, but with very little clothes on. It's just too hot here! My brother walked into my room to ask for a ride to work the other day before I thought to warn anyone. I think he was a little startled. People that have seen the sign get a kick out of it.
Wednesday, July 2, 2014
Musical Monday (the one I missed)
I've been listening to a bunch of Andrew Jackson Jihad lately. They're just great. I had the chance to see them a couple weeks ago and it was hands down the best show I've been to yet. I don't know why, but this song reminds me of summer camp. I mean, I guess I kinda know why. Probably because everyone at camp is trying to get it in. I think it's a funny song.
Tuesday, July 1, 2014
I'm back again!
Don't fret! I'm back! I've been m.i.a. for the last week or so and I know I've missed some pretty important deadlines on my blog. Like Snapchat Saturdays and Musical Mondays. But I have a great excuse!! I WAS AT WOODWARD!! I know, I're jealous. But never fear! I'm here to update you! let me begin by saying that this trip to camp, for the most part, was amazing. I'm pretty sure that the last time I had this much fun at camp was when I went for my very first time. I had a blast! With that being said, getting to and from camp was terrible. I will never, EVER take a greyhound bus from Arizona to California again. So many delays, horrible customer service, so many gross smells, uncomfortable seats and the list goes on. Definitely an experience, never doing it again.
Anyway..before I started working at the pizza place I work at now, I told them I'd be taking off for a week or so to go out to California. I didn't know if it would happen for sure but I wanted to have the option of going. They were totally cool with it and told me they wanted me trained before I left, so that I would be ready to start working once I got back. Super stoked they were that cool about it and that was what ultimately made me decide to take the job. I thought about the trip, the pros and cons, kept looking at flights out, and in a moment of either complete bravery or insanity decided to go for it. I booked my ticket to Arizona and decided to figure out the California part when I got closer to the date I wanted to be at camp.
My friends and future roomies, Laila and Chrissie, picked me up from the airport and took me straight to Venezia's. During the few days I spent in Arizona, I had the chance to go to school and talk with people there about admissions stuff, go cliff jumping in Prescott with new friends, hang out in Flagstaff, and just hang at the Concorda Cottage. Every time I get to visit Arizona, I instantly feel at home.
Chrissie and I bought our tickets the day before we left and had high hopes for the trip. Our bus was scheduled to leave around 8 but left around 9. The lady that checked our baggage was kinda sorta rude. Uh-oh. I think by this point we started worrying a little. Turns out the bus has bathrooms. And these bathrooms smell horrid. Like week old piss. Imagine the subway, in New York, three times worse and for seven hours straight. Thats what we had to deal with. It was terrible. By the end of the trip, I sorta felt like crying. I was so tired and I couldn't sleep well because of the smell. Whenever I'd start to doze off, I'd catch a whiff and was instantly awoken. Fortunately, we got a ride from LA to camp from an old camp friend and it didn't smell like piss. We were covered in dog hair, but dog hair is much preferred to piss.
Like I said previously, camp was so freaking good. I got to skate (as much as I can without annihilating the rest of my ACL), eat camp food, play pool, hang out with the girls that were there for girl's week, see and hang out with old friends, play in the talent show (only took five years..), eat s'mores, and just enjoy camp life. I never wanted it to end. I think that if I ever get the chance to go to camp again to work, I'll try to be an OSI. The week really reminded me of my first summer, where I was just there to enjoy camp. Sure I had to work a bit here and there and wasn't getting paid, but I didn't have to worry about all the stuff you have to worry about when you get paid. Even when I worked there, I noticed that the people that got paid were more stressed than those that didn't. But yeah, camp was a blast. Bawled like a baby as soon as I said goodbye to the last person. Felt like crap as soon as I left. If I get to visit again, I'll go for two weeks. I didn't even get to go to Denny's!!
The trip back to Arizona was brutal. You'd think it can't get worse than smelling piss for seven hours, right? Wrong! So wrong! Try having to wait at the Bakersfield station for six hours on a Friday night, getting stuck in traffic and then having a four hour delay in Los Angeles at three in the morning. We left Bakersfield around midnight, were scheduled to get into Phoenix at 9:30 am and ended up getting there at 2:30 pm. Thankfully, Laila greeted us at the bus station with donuts from Bosa, a trip to Joe's italian ices and a dinner party for that night.
Then I got on a plane at 11 pm that night to get to Florida at 8 am Sunday morning...
I like saying that I'll never do it again, but if the only way to go to camp was to do this all over again, I'd do it in a heartbeat.
Okay, enough story time. I know you guys just come for the pictures..
Aren't they just the coolest looking roommates you've ever laid eyes on?!
We went to the mall in Scottsdale. They were giving out treats in Anthropologie. Chrissie doesn't know what to do about the macaroons!
They were delicious! I believe the hype!
On Friday morning, we went to ASU to figure out admissiony stuff and found this chalk wall.
On Saturday, Laila, a couple dudes I'd never met before and I headed up to Prescott, grabbed lunch and went kayaking and cliff jumping.
Here's the back of Sean's head. I got to sit in the middle of the kayak and just relax while the boys did all the work. Being a girl is nice..
Pretty!! I don't actually think we were allowed to swim. We did anyway.
Here we are before deciding where we would jump. Kyle is wearing a t-shirt. Jon isn't...
Let the camp fun begin!! Notice how I didn't include pictures of the bus travel? You would've cried with me. (Not that I actually cried...)
Just lounging in the coffee shop!
I promised I wouldn't but my roommate is a total babe! Just look at that pose! Such style!
Deer! Or should I say 'Doe'!?
Cool kids on bugs.
On Chase's day off we headed to Bakersfield/town for a day of Freddy's, laundry, mall walking, board buying, skateshop lurking, pizza eating, mountain sitting, and bug driving. It was fun.
I helped Chrissie and Chase pick out boards at Zumies. Yeah...I said zumies. I'm a chump. Feel free to unfriend me.
We ate pizza on a mountain. On the side of a mountain? We didn't actually hike. We just drove up there.
Chrissie measures her tattoos in coins. I kid. She wanted to see if she had enough for a soda. I just thought it was a funny way to count coins.
Beautiful Tehachapi sunsets. Oh how I miss you..
If you sit here at night, you can see the stars. I love it. I wish I would've spent more time enjoying it. I'm telling you, one week is NOT enough time!
"I went to camp and all I got was this swelbow!"Around the second or third day I got pretty comfortable skating again. Obviously not to the point where I was trying hard new things but to where I was able to try silly things. I was stoked on this. It made me feel like a skateboarder again. Corny..I know. Swelbows don't make you a skateboarder. Duh! But I missed them. I named him Ralph.
Guess what movie this is from!!
Angela!!! This little girl is super rad. She's all sponsed by the Pink Helmet Posse and plays the drums like nobody's business. I hope to be as cool as her one day...
And then we left...
Look at those beautiful faces!! Take me back to caaaamp! I have a feeling I won't be missing camp again for many summers to come. (As long as I get hired, obvi!) I just miss it way too much. The kids are rad, most of the people that work there are rad, the environment is rad. Buhhh! Can I go back now?!
This was in Blythe on a 30 minute pit stop on our way back to Arizona. It was my last time skating until August. I left my board in Arizona. Part of my decision serves as motivation to go back for it and part of it was laziness to have to lug it through the airport.
Mom/head roomie/Laila greeted us at the bus stop in Phx with donuts from Bosa. I am 105% positive we looked pretty rough when she first saw us. Definitely served as a pick me up before heading to Joe's to get italian ices.
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