Saturday, July 19, 2014

An apology to my skateboard..

I feel like a total scumbag for leaving my skateboard in AZ the way I did. I mean he was in the trunk all ready to come back to Florida with me and at the last minute i decided not to bring him along..I kid. But in all/only some seriousness, I miss having it around. Even though I wouldn't have time to ride it. Even though it would just sit there gathering dust. I just feel like part of me is missing. Is that weird? I ALMOST thought about going to get a new set of trucks. Almost. Anyway, as an apology I give you a cool coalatree video. I like coalatree. I like what they stand for and their clothes look pretty cool and all that jazz. 29 days or less until I get to see you Benny! (skateboard)

Coalatree Organics: Puerto Rico from Coalatree Organics on Vimeo.

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