Not snappy as in fast...Snappy as in pictures that have been snapped. Duh!
This one is from head roomie Laila! She sent this one to me a few days before I took this last trip out to Arizona.
The next two were snapped to me after I snap chatted my taco sammich burrito.
From Patrick.
From Cass
Jake with the Brimley guys!!! I'm so bummed I missed week five this year. I think if I would've known ahead of time that these guys would be at camp I would've either stayed longer or gone week five instead. A cool team finally goes to camp the year I can't work!
From Chrissie. "Mom would be proud."-Mo
From Tim. This one gets an honorary repost just because it's that good. And because I got it at the suckiest part of my Woodward trip. The leaving and being stuck in LA at three in the morning part.. The kid in front (I think his name is Max...I ask him every year and every year I forget) has grown up a bunch!
From Chrissie. This was on our trip back to Phx. I think it was during our four hour delay in LA. I was exhausted. Can you tell?
From Laila. She knows us all too well.
From Chrissie. Mom/Laila/head roomie has a man friend that she's into and they always do a bunch of cool/cute stuff. Here they had a pizza date in a fort in the dining area of the Concorda Cottage. Too cute! I need a man friend that will build pizza forts with me.
From Chrissie. Popeye is a swag master.
And last but definitely not least..this one's from my big brother. Get it?! Sometimes they don't realize it..and he's eating a burger!
And now for pictures I need to get off my phone..
I still haven't unpacked. I kind of want to see how long I can go without doing it..

I just think this one is funny..I don't sleep completely naked, but with very little clothes on. It's just too hot here! My brother walked into my room to ask for a ride to work the other day before I thought to warn anyone. I think he was a little startled. People that have seen the sign get a kick out of it.
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