Friday, October 15, 2010

I may be a little short

Vidhya: I need you to go to Nestle and pick up bananas and spoons.
Me: Okay. Sure.

Me: Hi, Vidhya sent me over to pick up some bananas and a box of spoons.
Guy: Oh okay. Do you have the cart?
Me: Uhh, no. Should I have brought one?
Guy: Yeah. I thought you were going to bring it. It's not that much, but I don't think you'll be able to carry it back. Hold on. Let me call...
Lady: Just give it to her.
Guy: But..she's just a little girl! (Looks over at me and then back at the other lady.) Fine. Come over to this side. I'm going to put these in a bag. They'll be heavy. And here's the box of spoons.

He gave me 4 banana bunches and a box of plastic spoons that weighed less than two pounds. Oh how you underestimate me.

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