Saturday, October 9, 2010

Long but good

I took a bike ride yesterday. I kinda mapped out my route but ended up getting kinda lost. Not really, I just took a whole bunch of roads I wasn't supposed to take. It was supposed to take me about 16 minutes, three miles to get there according to google maps, but ended up taking me around 40 minutes and six miles there. My destination? Al's Pizza. Super duper good, delicious, scrumptious, mouth watering New York style pizza. It's my favorite pizza place. It's just so good! I wouldn't mind riding for hours to get there. On the way back I took a shorter way. I'm a fast learner.

This is the route I was supposed to take.

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This is kinda the route I ended up taking. I'm dumb. Or just scared of trying to dodge cars on busy roads. I don't know. Maybe both.

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Before I left on my bike ride, I knew there was a possibility I would be walking my bike back. The gears don't work. My tires were semi flat. One of my brakes doesn't work and the other one doesn't do much to slow me down. This bike also has a loose, rusted chain which slips when I try to go fast all of a sudden.

Knowing that my bike has all these problems, I try to go across some busy street really fast. My chain slipped. I can't touch the ground with both feet when I'm on this bike. One foot on the ground : good. Two feet : prepare to be in pain. When the chain slipped, my feet came off the pedals. I didn't land on the seat. Lets just say I saw stars...

My ride.

The good thing about riding a bike or walking, is that you get to see stuff you wouldn't even notice riding in a car.

This poor little guy never saw the car coming. He was dead in the road.

When I finally got to Al's, I was starving! I decided to get the special: 2 slices of cheese pizza and a drink for $2.99 plus tax. I got pepperoni so it ended up being like 4 something. I had never gotten pizza by the slice here, but I did get a large pie once to take home. I was thinking the individual slices were going to be about the same size as the slices in the pie. Wrong!

Ginourmous slices!! I was pretty stoked.

The slices are sooo big!

I felt bad leaving the crust, but I was extraordinarily full. It was insane. I was dreading the ride back home.

Not nice.

On the way back, I bought my first Florida lottery ticket.

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