Monday, March 12, 2012

I don't want to grow up.

I don't want to grow up yet. I still want to be a kid and play. I had a talk with my uncle where he told me that I need to grow up, stop skating, get a good job and start saving for the future, start thinking about marriage, act like a woman, and stop 'wasting' my time in California every summer. As much as I think he's full of bolognia he might be right about some of the stuff. Kind of. Not really.
I should get a good job and start saving money but...not here or right now. I don't see the point of getting a good job when I'm leaving in two months. I don't see the point of getting a good job in a place where I don't want to live for the rest of my life. My family wants me to go to vet school here, but I don't want to live here for the rest of my life. As soon as I can get out of here, I want to. My sights are set on going to vet school in California and living out there and getting a 'good' job out there.
As far as the 'stop skating' thing goes, I'm thinking he's maybe right. I physically -and mentally- am not capable of really skating. I haven't had a good time skating for the last three and a half months. My knee will probably never be the same as it was. I'll eventually probably be able to roll around and do a couple tricks or whatever, but my days of spending hours upon hours at a skatepark are probably over. The sucky thing is that even when it's a lot better I'll still be scared to skate. I've never ever felt pain like I have with this knee thing. Sounds dumb, but I everytime I think about skating and hurting my knee again, I feel like crying. All I can imagine is skating, planting my foot wrong, feeling my knee bend sideways, hearing a bunch of pops, and then being in horrible pain. I guess I'll have to find another hobby. Boys maybe. Just kidding. I meant school and bike rides and going to the gym and going to the beach and cooking and reading and crocheting and volunteering and stuff.
The whole marriage thing is a joke. I don't want to get married anytime soon, especially here in Florida. Like I said before, Florida is temporary. I want to be on the west coast. I don't want to get married until I know that I will love that person forever and always be happy with them. And how will I know that? Beats me. I guess when the person's right and time is right, you just know. I know some married people that are happy and have been for a long time. And then I know some people that can't stay married long or have had really crummy marriages or are always fighting with their spouse. It seems like today, the second scenario is much more common. In any case, I don't want to get married right now. If that and skating are the only things keeping me from being a 'woman', then I guess I'm halfway there.
As far as the 'wasting time in California' thing goes, I don't think I'm wasting time. I'm truely happy there. I don't think that doing something that makes you happy means you're wasting your time. I've only been there two summers, but I can't really imagine not going. I think I've mentioned it before on this blog, but if I had the chance, I would live at camp, no questions asked. I can't really say it enough. I'm happy there. I love hanging out with kids everyday and knowing what I'm going to eat everyday and just hanging out with people I actually like hanging out with.

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