Monday, March 19, 2012


I've been a vegetarian for over a year now and don't really miss eating meat all that much. That said, I definitely think there are some meaty meals that I wouldn't be able to pass up.
1. Philly cheese steak in Philly. I'm saying in Philly because I know they are the best there. Nothing compares to Philly cheese steak made in Philly. When I was little we took a field trip to Philadelphia to see the liberty bell and all that other rad stuff. I had a Philly cheese there and instantly fell in love. it was beyond delicious.
2. Chicago dog in Chicago. They look so delicious. Someday I will get up there and have a hotdog. Someday.
Tell me these pictures aren't mouthwatering and I will call you the biggest liar on the face of this earth.

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