Friday, April 4, 2014

I wish I had the right words to fully describe to you how much I DON'T want to study right now. Everything else has become a thousand times more important than learning this material.

That mosquito that's flying around my ear and my desire to annihilate it are way more important than MRE B. 

My cat trying to lay on my pillow and having to move her every time she does? Way more important than replicating cells.

My upcoming Arizona vacay: so much more important than divisomes.

The fact that I didn't get a chance to go to the gym today and I haven't done any arm stuff in a week: infinitely more important that Min E and its function.

My procrastinating skills: much more powerful than FtsZ's effect on a cell.

This blog post complaining about not wanting to study for my exam tomorrow: way more interesting than peptidoglycan synthesis.

I just want this semester to be over. I want to just have a lame-o job that I don't have to think about 24 hours a day. Do it for eight hours, collect my money, and go do something fun. I want to go hiking, or surfing, or take a nice long walk by a lake, walk around town taking pictures, go skating, ride a bike, post more stuff on this bloggy, tutor more kids, garden more, go to farmers markets, learn a new language, go roller skating, spend time with my family, hang out with friends, go on a trip, move to Arizona, eat pizza, go to the gym more, draw a pretty picture, read a good book, or make a new friend.   I don't think I'm meant to go to school. At least not now. Maybe someday in the future.. Right now I just want to have fun! Where you at fun?

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