Monday, April 21, 2014

Today and yesterday

Today…is great. Nothing spectacular happened. But maybe that's why it's so great. Everything is normal. I'm alive, my family is well, I'm almost done with this semester, I ate good food.

I heard this on the radio today..

...I'm still a fan.

I went surfing yesterday. So. much. fun. I can't even. Paddling and standing on a hard piece of whatever a surfboard is made out of, into what seems like a huge drop is simultaneously the most exciting and terrifying thing ever. For that half a second your stomach is in your throat and you just feel like you're flying. It's so great. I got my first baby barrel too. It probably looked a lot cooler in my head. If I wasn't hooked on it before I definitely am now. I pretty much want to live on the beach.

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