Thursday, April 3, 2014

Maggy's Spring Break 2014

Maggy, an old friend from camp, came to visit us and we had a blast! We went to Islands of Adventure, saw a bunch of movies and went to the beach. Islands of Adventure was pretty rad. I drank soda aka butter beer for the first time in a very,very,very long time. It was amazing. I was pretty skeptical at first, but it was so good. Probably my favorite thing at Universal. I had three. I pretty much need the recipe now. 

 I pretty much just took a bunch of random pictures all weekend. Except at the beach. Somehow I forgot to take some at the beach. 

 Big head puking out water

 Poseidon hand!

 There's the butter beer cart! So amazing. From what I hear it's like crack. I mean I've never had crack but I hear it's pretty addicting. Just like butter beer.


 Hogwarts Pt. 2. I really like how the people that built this played with perspective. The castle seems bigger than it really is because of the windows. Pretty rad.

 Hands down my favorite part of the park (besides the butter beer) was Toon Lagoon. I'm a huge fan of drawing and comics and to see them life-size was so cool! I wish every building in real life looked like the buildings here. 

 Maggy and Cass have their own speech bubbles

 Isn't he just adorable?!

 "Maggy! You're not supposed to laugh!"

 "Good pose, good pose."

I like visits from friends. Sometimes I wish we could all live in a camp type setting, but in the real world, where we can be neighbors and all hang out but have real jobs. And see each other everyday and do fun things like this all the time. Maybe someday...

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