Thursday, July 17, 2014

Life Update/Snappy Saturdays on Thursday...

Nothing really happens everyday. It's weird. I wake up everyday with just enough time to get ready to go to work, go to work, come home and it's time to sleep. Reminds me of a song I've had on repeat lately. 'I feed myself when I have to..' tee-hee! But yeah, I get two days off a week and on those days I hang out with family or go clean this lady's house. By the end of the day I start going a little stir crazy and can't wait to be back at work. I've had breakfast at Denny's twice in the last couple of weeks. I think that might be the most exciting thing that's happened lately. Other than the whole getting accepted into ASU, picking my classes, figuring out my car and living situation and just waiting to go. I'm beyond excited. Totally ready to go. I just need to put my stuff in the car and get outta here.

 Still haven't unpacked...

..But I did do laundry once.. Let me tell you why this is so significant. Okay, so I kinda feel like I've been back in Florida for ten years now, but it's only been like two weeks or so. I'm doing pretty good on the whole water conservation/laziness thing.

 Highlight of every Thursday is getting talent show snaps. Sure most of them I just get to see on other people's stories but I still get to see them. 

 I want ice cream!! From Sarah.

 Minty is a cool name. This place called Joe's, like two seconds from my house in Arizona, has this italian ice ice cream called Mint cookie. Soooo freaking good!! Think minty cookies and cream. Delicious! From Sarah. Duh! Can't you see it's a selfie?!

 In our yard we have this plant called chipilin. Out of this plant you can make tamales. But first you have to remove all the little leaves from the stems because the stems give the leaves a bitter taste. Anyway, here we are at a family dinner, after having brought my aunt a giant bag of chipilin. We just did it for the tamales but got conned into helping! It was fun. 

 This is my view every morning. I like it. I update my AZ countdown, drink some water, make sure my cactus does too, read my scriptures, and do some yoga. 


I like my parents most of the time these days. This pretty much sums up their relationship. 

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