Monday, July 14, 2014

Musical Monday

So...this weeks selection is When Your Dad Left Your Mom by Paul Baribeau. I first heard about Paul Baribeau from a friend like five years ago. I loved all the songs I heard especially "Only Babies Cry," which my friend ended up putting on a mix tape for me. (CD? Mix CD? That sounds weird. I'm calling it a mix tape that was in CD form.) Anyway, I recently (like a month and a half ago) started to listening to my iPod again and then went to an AJJ show where this girl was wearing a Paul Baribeau t-shirt and I was like WOAH!! And I instantly felt butterflies in my stomach and although I was excited for the upcoming show, I also couldn't wait to go home and listen to Baribeau.
So yeah, I like this song. I think that my favorite thing about it is that it reminds me of when my parents split up for a bit. I guess when a lot of people think about divorce, it's seen as a bad thing. At the time I think I did too. I think every kid wants their parents to stay together. But for me, looking back now, it was a great thing. I still got to see both of my parents and while they weren't together they were much nicer to us and each other. They weren't stressed or fighting all the time. And the lines ,"It'd get so quiet sometimes. Tried to act like nothing was wrong...but every once in a while I could still get you to smile.." resonates so profoundly. Dude knows what's up. My parents are together but sometimes I still wonder how differently my life would've turned out if they did get a divorce. Better? Worse? We'll never know!!

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