Tuesday, May 24, 2011

No better way to start the day than with a few mouth watering episodes of Man V. Food. Thank you Netflix. I don't know where I'd be without you.
So good!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Went on a super long bike ride and skated the ditch by my house. Came home drenched in sweat and super tired. Perfect start to what I hope to be a great summer.
This week is going to fly by! It's Monday and the day is kinda almost over. Later I'll go skate the ditch by my house. Tuesday might be pretty long if there's nothing to do, but there's always something to do, even if its just going to my cousins pool. Wednesday is Vans day, Thursday I go to a graduation and a graduation dinner/party, Friday I finish getting registered for school. Saturday and Sunday are fam days and they usually go by pretty quick. Quick week, here I come!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

For the last couple days, all I've wanted to do is sleep and punch out everyone that talks to me. What the fudge is wrong, bro?

Saturday, May 21, 2011

She found a great place to sleep.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Thursday, May 19, 2011

I just watched this and it was so weird.

I watched Tuck Everlasting and I bawled my eyes out at the end. Gosh, I'm such a girl.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

I don't understand why some people insist on pushing their values on others. Just let people do what they want to do. If you wanna kill yourself slowly with drugs and stuff, go ahead. If you want to piss your pants and vomit everywhere, go ahead. Just don't do it around me. As long as I don't have to clean up after you and you're responsible with your shit, I couldnt care less. Its your life. If you want to ruin it, you have every right to. I won't be the one dealing with it later in life. You will.
Read this awesome blog post today by Frank Ferrante about validating people-especially the opposite sex- for who they are, not what they look like. About making people feel like a human being that has thoughts and feelings rather than making them feel like an object. So good.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Bikes are great.

When I first moved to Florida, my dad and I walked a long ways away to do who knows what becasue I don't even remember. I blogged about it. It was pretty much one of the first blog posts I did. We had to walk because our cars werent registered so we had no other form of transportation. Anyway...on our walk I saw this cool ditch that was all dirty and wet, but that I decided I would skate when it wasn't. Well today was the day!
I rode my bike around there, saw that it was dry and went back home to get my board. It was fun and because the last couple of nights it's rained, there weren't many rocks or anything to sweep away. It's like I was meant to skate there!!
After the ditch, I went to this abandoned car dealership that has super smooth ground, stairs, this big gap, and a pole jam. I've seen other dudes skating and filming there and stuff. I just rolled around there. I wasn't down to try anything, especially because it was starting to get dark and I was alone. Cool day though!!

What a gem!

It took me a bajillion tries to get around that little corner frontside, but I did it!!

Cool thing is you can't see the ditch if you drive by.

 Pole Jam!

Cool gap I would only be able to ollie in my dreams.

I think my awesome tape job might keep my soap from leaking this time around.

J'aime l'ete!!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Saturday, May 14, 2011

These are my demands: I want a rediculously huge veggie burger with two, count em', two veggie patties, three slices of tomato, two slices of red onion, two leaves of lettuce, five pickle slices, a thick sesame seed bun-slightly toasted, of course. Here's how I want it put together: Top bun, ketchup, mayo, dash of spicy mustard, two pickles, two tomatoes, lettuce leaf, slice of the red onion, ketchup, mayo, tiny bit of spicy mustard, veggie patty, add in the rest of the veggies, more mayo, ketchup and spicy mustard, veggie patty, and bottom bun. On the side I want a large basket of extra crispy onion rings, extra crispy ya' hear?! Oh you want to know what I will dip my onion rings in? I'll tell you! Mix equal parts mayo and ketchup and then add in spicy mustard until it tastes just right.
Skated at Vans for eight hours yesterday and I woke up today feeling like I got hit by a truck.
"And in January we're gettin' married
Come January, let's get married."
Its official. I might have back problems when i get older. Okay...maybe not official, but my back and hip are killing me. I think it might be a good idea to start stretching before I skate.

Friday, May 13, 2011

My dad's good! He knows I don't eat much and is worried so he offers me the one thing he knows I can't resist. Pizza!! Your good dad, real good!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Monday, May 9, 2011

I've been totally hooked on Paul Baribeau songs lately. Yesterday, as we were making the 18-ish hour drive from New Jersey to Florida, I sang all the Paul Baribeau songs I have on my ipod at the top of my lungs to keep my dad awake as he was driving.  It was great!

Life is coming...

Back in Florida. Made it safe and sound early this morning. Real life begins again today. NJ life was a break from reality. I didn't have to worry about money or school or anything. All I had to do was take care of grandma. Now grandma's gone, so my job there is done.
Today I go get registered for school in the fall, take care of all my unpaid bills, and start looking for a real job. I wish I would've started looking for a job a long time ago. My excuse was I was waiting on a response from camp to see if I could go this summer, but I still haven't heard anything back, so I'm thinking that's a bust. Bummed, but life goes on.

Friday, May 6, 2011

I'm driving through Philly on this day. Fudge.
I love this man's voice!! Holy moly, goodness gracious!!

Found this cool fan made video for Earthquake by The Von Bondies. Great song, great song.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

I will marry an italian, grow old and fat, and B happy 4 lyf.

Greeze Trukz

Albert -"You down to hit up fat bitches?"
Me - "Yup!...wait..what?"
Albert - "I mean Grease Trucks."
Me - "Oh yeah, yeah, yeah."
Albert - "I love how you know what I mean when I say 'fat bitches'."

Pretty much sums up the conversation I had with my brother before going to Grease Trucks tonight. I think they should definetly change the name to 'Fat Bitches.' Definetly sums up their meals. I first heard about the grease trucks on Man vs. Food one night and I vowed that if I were in ever in New Jersey again, I would be hitting it up.
I went with my brother, Ghibron, and Romero. As soon as we walked up to the grease trucks we had two trucks fighting over who would serve us. They started lowering the prices of the sandwich as time went by and we got sandwiches for three bucks a pop and the choice of a free drink. Half price!! I got a Veggie Koko. It was really good. I downed it super fast. It had fries, mozzerella sticks, marinara sauce, lettuce,
tomato, onions in a sub roll thing. I definetly thought it would taste WAY better than it did. Before I went there everyone said it was heaven. It was really good, but not really heaven worthy. That's the problem with high expectations! I enjoyed it though. I think I could've downed two tonight, but I drank too much water before hand.

Heart attack in a bag

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

I bet my cousin five bucks I could last a week without bread. Eazy moneyyyyy!!

Old House

I used to live in this house back in the day. A few months after we left, the part of town where the house is got flooded a couple of times and the people that bought the house moved out.  

Monday, May 2, 2011

Sharing a bathroom with 15 other people takes some getting used to.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Read a really cool article about stress recently. Super duper informational.

I have a theory.

If you always look nice, no one ever notices you're trying hard to look nice, but they notice when you look like straight up poo. On the other hand, if you always look like a scum bag and for some reason you happen to decide to get all made up and look nice, people notice and they say you look nice. I definetly think its better to hear someone say "Oh you look nice," than hear someone say, "Dang, you look like poo."