Thursday, January 19, 2012

Camp dreams

Last night dreamt that I was at camp. Every time I woke up and went back to sleep I continued with my dream.
In the first part of my dream I was hanging out with this greaser looking dude with blondish brownish hair and and glasses. The cabins we were staying in looked nothing like the cabins at camp. They had two floors, patios and looked alot more like cabins you would find in the woods. Him and his greaser buddy told me to sneak out my cabin to smoke a boge and i did. We had to smoke on the patio because if not the cabin would smell. I accidentally dropped the boge and had to jump off the second story patio to put it out because it began to catch leaves on fire. He'd given me this cool, white, long sleeve shirt that said something about oranges on it because I was cold.
Somebody was bummed that he'd given me the shirt, so they put it over a muddy puddle so parents and campers wouldn't step in it. I was bummed but bleached the shirt and it was good as new.
Then all of a sudden I had a bum leg so people kept carrying me around. I didnt even ask them, they would just pick me up and go. We were eating lunch outside, watching this kid jeremy who was crail sliding this wall that had like six feet of vert on it, which was where the crater was supposed to be. I was trying to film it on an iPhone but was having a hard time because I couldn't get the width of the screen to cooperate or something. Then a camper told me I was dumb because I sucked at filming with an iPhone. I just looked at him and laughed as he explained how to do it.
We went into what was supposedly the hanger and went up to the vert ramp. There was a bunch of girls stretching. I'm thinking it was girls week. One of the dudes that was carrying me thought it would be funny to jump off the vert ramp into what looked like the resi. The landing ended up being really, really soft. Bounce house soft so it didn't hurt at all.
All of us were osi's and thought we were going to have to work so someone went to go check the schedule. All of a sudden, we remembered it was Sunday and didn't have to work and we jumped for joy.
My current English teacher came out of some office as we were going to the bathroom and told the dudes that if they were caught doing anything they shouldn't with 'gals' they would be forbidden to wear deodorant but could chew gum. Some dude said something about how he was going to smell worse than he already did. I laughed and they were bummed because of the deodorant thing and then I woke up for good.

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