Friday, January 27, 2012

Resolution update

A month has pretty much gone by and I feel like it's time to review the new years resolutions I made because some of them might not be kept.

[1. Go to bed early. (11-ish)
2. Wake up early. (7-ish)]
*These first two resolutions were kept one day. ONE!! I currently go to bed around 4 or 5 a.m. and wake up around noon, except for the days I have school, in which case I'm up around 10. I'm changing these two to: get a good night's sleep.

3. Get good grades. Nothing lower than an A-.
*This one'll be cake!

4. Get healthy. Lots of fruits and veggies. Make it to the raw food dinners six times. Exercise everyday, even if it’s just a 10 minute bike ride around the block. Get buff again. Get to the point where I am once again capable of doing 20 pull ups and 100 push ups without stopping.
*This one has quite a few parts to it. The first part is about eating healthier which has actually been pretty easy. Most days I only eat fruits and vegetables. I've had pizza maybe twice, cookies maybe twice. Lost a couple pounds which is pretty cool.
Exercise has been an almost everyday thing except for that first week that I hurt my knee. I was supposed to stay off my leg for at least two weeks but after the third day of laying bed i i felt like i was going to go insane, so took off my immobilizer and started walking around. I fell a couple times and that sucked but it was better than not doing anything. Now, until I get my knee brace so i can start skating again, its been the gym everyday. It either swimming or bike riding for an hour an then lifting. I seem to have a really hard time not doing anything. I've always been really active. Before skateboarding there was track and wrestling. Before that it was football. Before that it was swimming, bike riding, tag, swing sets, and basketball.
The whole push ups and pull ups goal is slow. I can do 25 push ups and 2 pull ups. Sucks.

5. Read a book every month.
*It's only been a month, so that means one book and I read this book by some lady Fitzgerald. I read it 2 weeks ago. It was good. I don't remember what it was called, but it was good.

[6. Re-memorize all the state capitals. And then country capitals.
7. Relearn the bones in the body. Then muscles and ligaments and tendons. Once I successfully accomplish that, learn the organs and their locations. And then nerves. And then other stuff. Basically everything in the body, I want to know.
8. Go to Woodward.
9. Go to the doctor and dentist at least once. Get blood work done.
10. Start saving up for the move to California.]
* I haven't really started on any of these yet. It's okay. I have all year.

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