Sunday, January 22, 2012

More camp dreams.

Last night I dreamt that it was time to leave for camp and I packed my stuff up and got a ride to the airport. I forgot to get my ticket ahead of time so I had to buy it there and it ended up being $832. I was bummed, but at the same time I knew I was off to camp so I didn't care. As I was waiting to catch my flight I was instagramming, blogging, facebooking and just not paying attention to how fast time was going by. I looked at the time and realized I was two minutes late so I ran to get through security and get checked in. They said they would hold the plane for 10 minutes. I ran all over the airport and couldn't find terminal E,
which was were the flight was supposed to be. I was running like a wild woman all through the airport and there were other travelers that were cheering me on as I ran. They were pointing in the direction of terminal E. When I was finally there I was five minutes too late and I ended up missing my flight. I cried. I had to wait for a flight that left the next morning. While I was crying I realized that I'd forgotten my shoes and my boards, so I called home and my mom agreed to send them. Then I woke up.
Good thing there isn't a terminal E at this airport!!

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