Tuesday, November 4, 2014

No more snapchat

Since deleting my snapchat a couple weeks ago, the only pictures I get are via text. I still get quite a few but now I get pictures from people that I actually want to get pictures from. And I don't get bombarded with pointless videos of stuff I could care less about. And I still get content. And I don't waste so much time on my phone. Its a win win win win win! You won't see so many selfies, but you'll still get gold. So text me stuff. If you're lucky you'll see your picture in lights! And by lights I mean on the blog..
 Sent by Chrisse. This is Andrew's butt on Halloween night. That white thing is some sort of wrapper. What did he sit in?!

 Kyle is so pretty! He just looks good in a dress! Sent by Chase.

 Sent by Chrissie. "Kyle, be a strong man!" Too bad he was already wearing a dress...

 Sorry mom. Photo cred: Chrissie.

 While listening to wicked.. from Chrissie

 Sent to me by Laila. Look at everyone's derpy faces (mine included)! I love us.

Sent by Sean. Super hero luchador from Hawaii that lost his shoes on vacation?

 From Chrissie. That man's chest really does look like Grumpy Cat!

 From Lucas. He gets ready for halloween a few days in advance.

 From Chrissie. Mimes and derby ladies really are friends! Who knew?

 This was sent to me by Chrissie. The night after halloween. 

 This was sent by Chase the morning after halloween. Our couch's name is the Vortex for a reason. Once you sit, you'll be sucked in until the couch decides to spit you out. 

 Sent by Chrissie. All the drugs!

Sent and made by Chase. What a creative individual!

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