Thursday, November 13, 2014

Where are you from?

One of my least favorite questions on this planet might be "where are you from?" How does someone that's moved around a bunch in their early years of life respond to the question? While growing up I've had the chance to "permanently reside" in three different states and numerous towns. I was born in New Jersey, moved around a bunch while living there, lived in two different towns in Utah, lived in Florida and now live in Arizona. Where am I from? Do you mean, "where was the last place you lived?" Do you mean, "where were you born?" Or do you mean where I felt the most at home? I think all those questions have different answers. I don't know how to answer your question. I think I've decided that every time I get asked that question I'll go ahead and respond with all three. Each one held a significance. Each place helped shape me as a person. There's a reason people ask where you come from. It's because they want to know how the place you come from affected you up until this point.

1 comment:

  1. I think it makes for a good story, when you have a list homes. It shows how far you've come! It's way better than saying one place and having stayed there your entire life without exploring!
