Monday, November 3, 2014


I don't know if latlier is a word but it makes sense to me. Since I can't really skate yet, I have a lot of time where I don't know what I want to do. It's not boredom because I'm still doing things but I think I'd much rather be skating.

Anyway, Halloween was just the other day. I woke up with pink eye. Didn't get to go to Tempe Halloween because of my knee and the pink eye. But I still got to dress up and go to a party. I was a bearded lady with an eye patch (pink eye). Chrissie was a scary clown, Chase was a scary mime, Laila was a ring leader and Andrew was a Jamaican bobsledder.
 The morning of Halloween, I woke up to a box of glazed donuts on the counter. Upon finding that I had pink eye and had to call in sick to work and my knee was still busted, this was the greatest thing ever. 

 Feel the rhythm, feel the rhyme..

 Guess what these ladies are!! They're Mount Rushmore!

On Saturday I got to go to Otto's for the first time and went to the Get Born premiere with Patrick, Sean, Matt and their friend. It was so good! After the premiere I went to Casey's with Sean and his friends. Casey's has awesome mozzarella sticks. 
 "Is this cool?"

Sunday I got to ride my bike around town, specifically around Mill and A mountain. 
 I love old buildings like these. They have so much history. I bet whoever worked in these buildings is either really old or dead. I wish I could go inside and look around. 

 This is the view from the base of the stairs on A mountain. 

View from the back of A. It's so pretty! It is a breathtaking view. Imagine how old a lot of those buildings are. How long ago the bridges were built, how many years ago people first started coming to Arizona. For a desert, Arizona is really green. 

 The only place I really shop is Sprouts. The produce is cheaper there than it is at Fry's and Safeway. They have a great selection of organic produce for less than Whole Foods and since I have no clue where Trader Joe's is or how much their produce is, I go here. Chrissie and Chase are incense loving hippies. 

 Such huge orange/lemons/grapefruit things. 

 I have a class the part of the semester where I have to cook various meals. My first one is a salad. This is corn. Duh. 

"NO, POPEYE!!!" Haha Popeye didn't want any love and dragged Laila off the couch while she tried to hug him. 

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