Sunday, November 23, 2014

Phone dump

 Studio time with Chrissie and Chase

 The most important part of every coloring session is a snack



 Maggots! A couple Mondays ago, our house was maggot infested. We don't know how or why it happened. All I know is that one minute I was dancing to oldies around the house, BAREFOOT!! and the next I was screaming for Chase to help me with the maggots. They were everywhere! Living room, hallway, foyer, kitchen... They wriggled and squirmed all over the floors. We walked around the house stepping on them and cringed as they popped underneath our feet. It was terrible. Monday night we killed as many as we could and Tuesday we deep cleaned the house. Monday we resorted to eating Jamba Juice and Pei Wei because we couldn't eat at home. 
This is the face of total despair.

 This is the face of sheer terror.

 Popeye is such a great cuddler! Chase is too, I guess..

 You gots dirty ears Popeye!

 Is there such a thing as 'too much Ketchup'?!

Weather's cooled down here in AZ. You can go hiking at noon and not completely die of heat stroke. I went and hiked South Mountain with Chase. It was fun. I have no clue what trail we hiked. All I know is that is was on Central and that before you get to the trail you can see a bunch of little houses and one of them has a kokopelli painted on it. 
 Chase is moving in to this cave. 

 Ghetto rocks

 I'm moving into this one! Chase and I can be neighbors. 

 This is my gardening outfit. Cute, huh?

Leaf piles don't stand a chance with this lady around!

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