Monday, February 7, 2011

Bert Fert

My little brother is one of the coolest human beings on this planet. Definetly one of the dumbest at times, but one of the coolest. He doesn't think things through sometimes. I like laughing at him for some of the dumb stuff he does. We both suck at sleeping lately, so I like talking to him at 5 in the morning. We talk about everything and nothing at the same time.
He's driving down to Florida for a day and we're going to eat at Denny's. 
I punched him in the face one time because he broke my watch. He cried, I felt horrible. I said sorry. Duh.
One time, he hit me in the head with the tv remote and I cried. He didn't say sorry. Duh.
A while back his life wasn't really headed anywhere... actually it was...jail. The thought of that word/place make me shudder. He was hanging out with all the wrong people and doing all the wrong stuff. I was bummed on him for that. He went from the annoying little brother I knew and loved, to the wierdo that cared too much about what his friends thought and what was 'cool'.
Now he's turning into a pretty responsible young dude. It makes me super happy to see him doing so well with life, and work, and his relationships with people. He's finally getting his life back to where it needs to be. I love my little bro bro.

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