Monday, February 21, 2011

Today was a blast.

I got to go to a Motocross race, went swimming in a local pool, picked mangoes from a tree, found out that 11 year olds here can drive better than I can, and went to the fair. I rode the ferris wheel three times. I was on the verge of puking up the tortilla I had just eaten after the second time riding. I won a pocket knife at a booth with a shooting game. I was excited. Right now I am exhausted and sunburnt and listening to Harry Potter in spanish.  Im way too exhausted to upload all the pictures I took right now. Im slacking, I know.
The fair officaially starts tomorrow. Theres a dance tomorrow. And I WILL buy more candy tomorrow. Candy here is really good. Bon bon bum all the way! Pictures will be uploaded tomorrow...maybe.

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