Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Warning: Dream Post

*Advertencia!! If you don't like dreams, dreaming, or hearing people talk about the dreams they have, skip this post. You're not going to like it. Avert your eyes! I'm warning you now. You will probably feel like punching your computer once you are done. I won't be held liable. With that said...

I would also like to extend an apology to dream lovers. I won't bore excite you with the major details of my dreams, just the gist of them. I think I'd rather keep the major details in the privacy of my brain. With that said...

For the past two nights, I've been having pretty good dreams. They've all involved friends and being in places I want to be, with people I want to be with, doing stuff I want to do. People I haven't even talked to for two minutes with in real life, I've had the luxury of talking to for 'hours'. I watched tv shows I have seen in forever. I've revisited places I've been to recently and definetly want to go back to someday soon. And I dreamt about summer camp. That's been a pretty big thing on my mind in real life right now and has been for the last couple of weeks. I kinda can't wait to go. I'm for sure very excited. I'm surprised in my dreams it's not made out to be a bigger deal. So overall they've been pretty good, happy dreams...until I wake up and realize I'm not where I just dreamt I was, or with who I just dreamt I was with. I wake up all sweaty and scared and don't know where I am for a couple seconds. The excitement I had in my dreams, is replaced by the bummer of reality. With that said...

With the awesomeness of these dreams I've been having lately, I would definetly rather stay in my dreams. 

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