Thursday, June 5, 2014

Endless Love

Have you heard or seen previews of the movie Endless Love? The preview that makes you think it's some type of horror movie...

Well I can now tell you, after watching it, that it's not. It's actually a great movie. I laughed. I cried. A bunch. It's funny how a video that's just shy of two hours can make you bawl like a baby and give you that butterfly feeling you get when you first meet a boy and make you relive the whole experience and in the end make you feel happy but sad at the same time...I think I might have been in love once. And by 'think,' I mean 'know.' And time and distance...pshh! They don't heal anything. So whoever said that was totally wrong. Because whenever you think you're done thinking about so and so, some dumb song comes on and that's the first person you think about. And whenever you flip the the channels some dumb commercial comes on and BAM! there you are again; just thinking about that one person you're trying to forget. But no matter how much you try and want to forget, you can't. Because at the end of the day you still wonder what they're doing and hope that they're okay.
It's all funny and confusing. Life is funny and confusing. Or maybe just weird. We're only here for so long and in that time we're kinda expected to find the one person that we want to be with for the rest of our existence. I guess a hundred years could be considered a long time but in the scheme of things, it's actually super short. And I mean I guess you could be with more than one person at a time, but you'd have to check with the first person you were with and see if they're okay with it. (I'm just helping you out so you don't run into any hiccups)
This is such a weird post. I'm high. Just kidding! I don't do that. But if I did this probably would've still sounded the same. Because that's what love does. It makes you say things that make absolutely no sense to anyone even yourself.

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