Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Happy Belated Musical Monday

So I didn't do Musical Monday yesterday, but I have a great excuse! I was busy. And then when I wasn't I was just so tired. Pitty me. I kid. But here it is! Sorry to all my loyal followers who thought it would be up and kept checking for my musical selection.

Anyway..this week's selection is Kokopelli Face Tattoo by Andrew Jackson Jihad. These dudes are playing this weekend here in Orlando. I was really planning on going. With my mom. But I'm still thinking about it. Don't get me wrong, I KNOW it'll be a great show but at the same time...finances. Such a lame excuse to not go to a show! I might just say "fuck it" and go and just not spend those three bucks on coffee for a few days...drink homemade coffee.

The first time I heard this song, I played it 10 times in a row, give or take. It's just that good. Great song. Great band. And I'm thinking great show. If you live in Florida, come see it with my mom and me this weekend. You won't regret it. You can meet my mom.

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