Sunday, June 8, 2014

Tonight. Was. Amazing.

So remember how I said I wanted to go see AJJ play? Welp, I went and saw Andrew Jackson Jihad play at Backbooth tonight! Let me just say that this was the best show I've ever been to! I've been to good ones, but this one was just really really fun. I was super indecisive the whole day about whether or not I wanted to actually go so I waited til the very last minute to try and buy my ticket. Little did I know, they stop selling the tickets online a couple hours before the show begins. I got ready as fast as I could and headed out there to see if they would be selling them at the door. They were and weren't sold out yet! I was stoked and ended up having an amazing time. (My mom had a blast, too. At one point she said, "This is real life." Which, when you think about how english isn't her first language, translates to, "Is this real life?" Yes, mom. Yes, it is. ) My arm already has a bruise from when I got moshed into a wall. Fortunately, there was a bigger dude there with his girlfriend who was about my height and as he protected her from getting squashed, he also protected me. So here are...A couple photos... I tried putting up a video but it won't let me!

So yeah, if you ever get the chance you should go see one of their shows. With your mom.  (They're mom approved. Can I say 'mom' one more time? MOM.)

1 comment:

  1. Ew, I feel bad for your mom. But I'm glad you had fun!
