Saturday, October 29, 2011

Great Day!

I went skating today for the first time in about a month and it was soooooooo much fun! I had a blast! I couldn't go to the skatepark by my house because it was raining so I went to Metro, this little indoor park that is super fun! My ankles are no longer in pain which is the best feeling ever! I use to think that mid tops were the best shoes, but I have come to realize that my Converses which give me absolutely no ankle support are probably the best shoes I've ever had!!
Anyway, back to my day...I tried one kickflip and almost landed it! I sweat alot! I got in for half price because the guy was closing up early!  A kid asked me if I was sponsored which is totally rediculous, but talk about an ego boost!! Some other kid thought my name was Amy, which I thought was funny so I just went along with it! It was an amazing day!On the half hour drive home I listened to this song over and over on full blast!

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