Sunday, October 2, 2011

Wilfredo Vargas - El Baile Del Perro

I don't know why, but last night I was thinking about this song and how I hadn't heard it in such a long time. When I was alot younger, I lived in New Jersey and alot of Sundays after church, the whole family would pile into my dad's little red Toyota Tercel and go to Elizabeth, a town that was maybe 30-40 minutes away. We would go to Twin City, a supermarket that had a deli type area where they had prepared food. We would get so much good food! My favorite was sweet fried plantain, black beans and white rice with a pony malta. We would also get these cookies that had a drop of strawberry jelly in the middle. I can't remember what they were called, but they were so good! Haha anyway..on the ride there we would listen to a tape that had this song on it. My brother and I would request this song over and over. It's kinda corny, but it's a good song!

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